Some Memories I Wrote Down As I Am Waiting For My Mom At The Dentist Office

in #memories6 years ago


I took my mom to the dentist this morning and I decided to write as I waited in the waiting room. The place reminds me of when I was a kid. They have a box of toys. I guess they have kids as clients too.

This place does have a lot of magazines. I don't read magazines any more.

That reminds me of an uncle that used to ride a lot of dirt bikes in the 70's. You see he had a friend that was an editor to a magazine called, Dirt Bike Magazine. Hey, I just looked it up, they are still in business.

Well anyway, since my uncle and his friend, an editor at the time of the 70's would test out new bikes, I would see them every now and then in that magazine. I'm pretty sure my uncle never got paid, but he did get to ride brand new bikes to give them a review.

I asked my auntie that was married to him at that time if he still rides motorcycles. Well, my uncle is pretty old now and to ride dirt bikes might be too much for him.

I guess, if you know someone you can experience certain things.

That reminds me when I was in high school. Our high school had a radio station at the time. I think now days my old high school does not have a radio station currently.

Well, one of my friends was a DJ at that radio station. I think that year was 1976. Cheech and Chong was famous on the radio. This was before they made it in the movies.

Well, anyway my friend wanted to do a skit with me and record it, then play it on our high school radio station. We grabbed some of the other students and my friend even asked one of my instructors that I had class with at the time, saying that I was needed at the radio station for a special project.

To my surprise my instructor actually let me go to do our special project. Well, we did the skit and my friend used the name Tijuana Kid and he called me, the Silent One. Another friend we called Geddy and another we called, Cooper.

Well, we recorded the skit in one take. It was somewhat funny, but I'm not sure if it was as funny as a Cheech and Chong skit of that day. I remember calling our high school radio station to request that skit. They played it several times.

One time I had the stereo on and I told my dad that I'm on the radio as it played. Well, my dad goes, hmmm, you're actually on the radio. He never said if he liked it or not, but he did acknowledge that I was on the radio.

Well anyway, I found out that we were not to do what we did and we might have even broke some FCC rules. The tape was erased and that was the end of our skit.

In those days my friend was always getting me into weird stuff.

The next year my friend got me to do a high school play. Yes, he was in the drama club. Well, the other guys that did the skit with me on the radio were in the drama club also. I wasn't in the drama club.

Well anyway, they wanted me to try out for something in the upcoming high school play. I told them that I don't want to act. Then they told me to show up and that I can maybe work backstage.

Well, I did show up. I didn't see any sign up list to work backstage. Then one of the guys said, David, why don't you try reading for this small part? You might not get it, but just read for it.

Well, I was the only one that read for that part and the director of the play gave me that part. They tricked me and now I am really in the play.

I found out later that anyone who is not on stage at the time are to be working backstage. So I did get to work backstage helping others to get ready right before they were to get on stage. Well, we all helped each other. So I did get to work backstage after all.

I played sidekick to my friend, that played the villain in a melodrama called, Pure As The Driven Snow. It was fun and if the guys didn't trick me, I wouldn't have done that play. I actually did a second play that year.

Funny how I can write down these memories as I am sitting in a dentist office waiting for my mom. As I write she is still being worked on.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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