In Memory of Our Fallen Brothers and Sisters

in #memorialday6 years ago


The timing of the NFL decision on the rule change for kneeling during the National Anthem was interesting. I support the rule. It has nothing to do with social justice. But we have to be careful about the messages we send. One message shouldn't be usurped by another, regardless of the worthiness (or lack) of any given cause. That's not the point. Today is Memorial Day. But for those of us who have raised our hands and given that oath to defend the Constitution (many of us more than once), it is Memorial Day every time those colors are presented.

Placing our hands over our hearts or saluting the flag is not an attempt to show respect for a piece of cloth. Nor is it simply a sense of awe and respect for the grand ideals of liberty and freedom. It runs much deeper than that for us. Those odd numbered stripes are stained red with the blood of our brothers and sisters. Freedom isn't free. It never has been. It is often just convenient to forget the human cost of freedom. At some point, it just becomes numbers. I don't think it was like that for our Greatest Generation who fought the fascist regimes that threatened to bring the planet under complete submission to their authority.


That generation lost over 400,000 men. More than the population of Pittsburgh. The battle that turned the tide of war in Europe was called Operation Overlord. That operation extended from June through August. The death toll is estimated at close to half a million. Nearly ten thousand died on the beach on D-Day. Those numbers are staggering. It is easy to equivocate on issues like war. But soldiers are not afforded that luxury. War is war. War is hell. Protracted political debate has no quarter in a fox hole. These heroic sacrifices have preserved a freedom that too many Americans take for granted. The thought of the cost of those rights never enters the equation. But for us veterans and our active duty counterparts, those costs are remembered every time the flag is presented. Memorial Day wasn't designed for us. It was designed for the 96 percent who never served. It is a time for the rest of America to join us in remembrance.


Today is a day when families gather. Enjoy the time with your loved ones. Many of you have lost men and women to war. Most of you will be visiting grave sites. Some folks may find a ceremony of remembrance. Older Americans still understand the importance of Memorial Day and celebrate it somberly. Spending at least part of today in remembrance. So that is my simple request. Whether you go to a cemetery or not, or attend a ceremony or not, spend a few minutes today contemplating the cost of your freedom.

For my friends who are not American, if your liberty has been secured by American blood, I would ask you to join us in remembrance. For those to whom this does not apply, merely humor me. I understand that Steemit has a broad, international membership. This message is primarily for my fellow Americans. To my fellow veterans and active duty, thank you for your service.

I have strong emotions writing this today. My son was given a four day pass to come home. As some of you may recall, he was mobilized for Afghanistan a couple of months ago. He has been in per-mobilization since then. They ship out next week. Sending my only son into harms way is not easy. It was his choice, so I guess I can't say I am "sending" him. But I feel that way. He is following in my footsteps in a sense. Although I was a Marine. He sense of duty and honor are strong. He understands the cost of freedom. So he raised his hand and swore that sacred oath. It's not a rite of passage. It is an individual calling. I respect him immensely for his decision. But I will worry over him. I will pray over him. And I will take great pride in his willingness to serve. I pray God will send him back to me unharmed. But some of those men and women who deploy with him will not come home. That is given. So today, I ask everyone to take a few minutes and honor that sacrifice.


What a post my friend. This is brimming with sincerity and emotion as you quite clearly wrote it from the heart. So very well said, and such a tremendous lesson for us to keep in mind.

My millennial butt can't even imagine the realities that the Greatest Generation faced. Its unfathomable for those of us that grew up knowing that our every want and need could be instantly managed by the genie-in-the-lamp that is our laptop, our smart phone, our tablet. Can you imagine a reinstatement of the draft today? You can hear the masses now: Which app do you use to trade goods/services for a way out of service??

That disconnect and disparity between the generations of old and new is why its so important to remember the meaning behind Memorial Day. You, your son, and all of your fellow veterans have my upmost respect and appreciation. My wife and I will be praying for your son's safe return. Thank you for being so honorably selfless and for allowing all of us to flourish in a country filled with freedom.

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