Monthly meme dump from 9gag

in #memes3 months ago

It's been a lot more than a month but I guess we'll have to make allowances for someone that goes on the first vacation of their life in 5 years and let him have a break.

Here's the usual breakdown that you can skip if you read these every month: I left all traditional social media about 5 years ago. I got tired of the identity theft, the self-indulgence and what I perceived to be damage to mine and everyone else's mental health, the infighting among friends over almost anything including politics, and just the amount of time that it would waste in my life that could be spent doing almost anything else. To fill up the dead time in places like waiting in line or at the gym, I heard about 9-Gag, which is a site that is mostly for memes but also has more than its fair share of political propaganda. The good news is that the community is self-policing and if someone doesn't label their post with the correct tags, it will get downvoted into oblivion so if you don't want to hear about Russia/Ukraine for example, the tags can be blocked and voila! You will not see anything about it anymore. There is a lot of fun stuff to be found on there but there is also a bunch of noise. These are the ones I saw that made me laugh or made me think in the past however-long-it-has-been.

I hope you enjoy them


This time's offerings will be more serious than usual. I hope you are ok with that


As you might have read, I have put myself "back on the market" so to speak after nearly 2 years of inactivity. I don't like using technology to make this happen but that does seem to be the way of the world now. I have met up with several people and it has gone less than awesome. I try my best to be cool and kind but the women on there seem to be doing sex interviews and some of them ask some really probing questions about how much money I make and other such things that I don't think are a very good way to start out. I have only gone on a 2nd date with 2 of the girls I matched with and one of them turned out to be completely bonkers. I had to have security remove her from my apartment when she refused to leave. I never even got "intimate" with her so you can't call me a predator or anything like that. I think I will soon "check out" again if this is what modern dating is going to be like.


I know a lot of people from all over the world after 2 decades of living abroad and moving a lot. As cliche as it sounds I truly believe the above to be true. I know a few people that truly made it as far as wealth is concerned and the "mo money mo problems" has been true for all of them. I think there is a sweet spot as far as wealth is concerned and just like the meme says, that sweet spot is having enough money that you don't have to worry about your financial future anymore, not really having so much that you can buy anything. There was a wonderful clip I ran into of Kurt Cobain talking to a reporter right after Nirvana became the most popular band in the world and he talked about how he preferred when he would go into 2nd hand shops and not be sure what he would find or if he could even afford it. He enjoyed that experience a lot better than knowing that he could simply buy the entire store like he could at that point.

Being poor and not having certainty if you are going to be able to make it through the next month sucks, this is for sure. But I don't think that most people actually would do very well with immense wealth and it would result in a net detriment to their overall life.


This is mildly political and if that is not your bag, sorry. I have a few friends that are hardcore feminists and still stand by the gender pay gap thing even though it has been debunked time and time again. They want it to be true more than they are actually interested in knowing if it even is true. I don't want to get into that though and this isn't the point. The point is that the good meme-makers on 9Gag are able to take a hot-at-the-moment political issue and make some good humor about it and I think this is one of those.


If you don't know who Jim Cramer is, you are better off for that. He has been bashing crypto since it ever was something the media ever talked about and now he is advising his viewers to definitely get involved. That is great if you are a HODL-er like me, but at the same time this guy has a reputation for being someone that appear to attempt to manipulate markets perhaps for his own personal gain. Basically it's an ongoing joke that whatever Jim says to do, do the opposite. This time I will actually agree with him though.


The US midwest isn't known for a lot but this is one little tidbit of information that I was unaware of until yesterday. I guess this is for preservation in case of natural disaster or fallout of some sort? No matter the reason, I am glad to see that the world is interested in preserving the truly important things in life. Forget about saving people, we need that cheese for the end-times.


This isn't a meme and to some on 9gag Tweets are frowned upon. But since I do not have Twitter and have never really used it, I like getting things like this. It also is funny because I am completely out of practice when it comes to dating and flirting. While I haven't gotten specifically in this situation, I am definitely aloof when it comes to people flirting with me. I have been told by people after the fact that some girl was interested in me and I was like "really? I had no idea!" and then I thought about it and the signs were definitely there, my radar is just rusted and broken because of non-use.


This will likely only have some humorous value if you are around my age. In the 80's it seemed like every family had at least one of these and yes, they would get used for almost anything. When we were sick as kids my mom would leave it in our bedrooms and we referred to it as a "burp pan" because we were not a foul-mouthed family at all. It didn't occur to me at the time but it is kind of gross that this pan would be used for all manner of disgusting things such as holding vomit for a night, and then later be used to bring food to pot-luck suppers at church. Let me know if you had one because I think it was required by the government in USA at least.

I know that is a short list but I have actually been quite busy after spending more than a month in Mexico so I haven't had a lot of downtime. If you have any memes to share back, I always enjoy seeing them.

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