Memes that caught my eye in the past week

in #memes2 years ago

I found that my life an especially my mental health and how I use my time dramatically improved when I ditched FB and IG. These days when I have some downtime the only time-waster I have on my phone is 9-gag and as anyone who uses it knows, this is basically a gigantic meme dump. Sure a lot of the stuff is recycled and many would argue that it has gone downhill in recent years as it has been infiltrated with politics and more recently, Russia / Ukraine stuff.

There are still some wonderful memes to be found in there and normally I focus only on the funny ones but this time I am going to take a look at some serious ones that piqued my interest as well.


Yeah yeah, I know this isn't technically a meme but I still enjoyed it not just because it is cute but because when I was moving to Vietnam I had this problem when I was trying to find a condo. It was pre-Covid and not many places were ok with having pets. I finally got to talk to a manager with a good command of the English language and explained to her that my dog is an extremely well-behaved, barely 6kg, Shih-Tzu. They made an exception for me as well.


A lot of crazy stuff has gone down in USA and other parts of the world over the past few years and not trying to brag or anything, but we don't really have that problem here and I am not sure why. The population here makes a fraction of the amount of money that people make in the countries that are rioting all the time yet they seem to have a higher level of overall happiness. Funny about how the "money can't buy you happiness" mantra seems to be so true.

On another note, some of the footage that I saw of people just randomly busting up any building that they could get their hands on had me rooting for the cops. You definitely wouldn't want to be face-to-face with this guy in a riot.


Many nerds like myself talk about how LotR is one of the greatest trilogies of all time but we all agree that the eagles coming in to rescue Sam and Frodo at the end doesn't make any sense because if this was ever an option why not just fly them IN there in the first fucking place? There are a ton of memes about how LotR would be shorter with certain tech advances but this one was one of my favorites.


Some of the requirements for packaging in the west is just absurd. Directions on shampoo, warnings on engine coolant that it is not for drinking, and now directions on how to cook bacon. I mean, if you haven't figured it out by now.


Now this one is a bit more dark and no, it is not a reflection as to how I feel about my own life. I'm actually quite pleased with how things turned out for me but I do know a lot of people that suffer the grind of life and don't really seem to get much enjoyment out of it. The person who wrote that response has a truly tragic life and I feel bad for him. It's funny to me that we spend our entire youths wishing we were older but then once we get older we would give anything to be young again.


Speaking of getting older, this poor guy who became a meme format was probably not even being asked this question at all. Hopefully he isn't aware that he has become a meme template and that most of them are a bit less than flattering, as memes tend to be.


I have a guy that is a bit nuts that I don't necessarily want to talk to but we hang out at the same place by accident, many days a week. I always had a tough time finding any common ground with the guy but then somehow the topic of the film "Leon / The Professional" came up and both of us admire the hell out of Gary Oldman as it turns out. He was absolutely perfect in that role. In my opinion it is his best role ever.


Lastly, we'll end on something that I think most people can relate to: A love of dogs. At least it is something that I can relate to since my entire life kind of revolves around looking after and keeping my doggo happy. I agree with the responder: Throw the damn stick!

That's it for today. If you have any memes to share back I am always happy to see them.

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