Dear memes. Its not you, its me. Why I'm unfollowing and muting some accounts.

in #memes6 years ago (edited)


There must be something wrong with me. Memes are popular. Just look at Twitter and Facebook: every other post is a meme. They can be funny. A few have even tickled my funny bone. Most however I find boring, unfunny and ill conceived.

I like Steem because among other things it's NOT Facebook or Twitter. Yet increasingly my feed is filling with memes. Call me humourless or boring if you like but in any other case a picture without accompanying text would be frowned upon here and be considered a shitpost. I just don't get it and I understand why others might not get me and my aversion to memes. I cannot see what value they bring to the platform, though obviously I must be in the minority on this one.

What I'm trying to say is I have started unfollowing accounts or muting those that predominantly post memes. Its nothing personal, it's just not what I want to see littering my feed. I understand some might take offense to this, and that is fine. We're all grown ups and can decide for ourselves what we agree with and what we want to see daily in our Steem feeds.

I just want to reiterate that it's nothing personal.

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You're not humourless Muxxy.
You're just a grumpy old bastard, nothing to be apologetic for dude.
Embrace it, I have 😃

Bah! Humbug! Get orf mah lawn!

He said we could call him humorless! This is our chance!

Shush you

btw not everybody on this platform is a 'grown-up'. There are kids around. But also, have you ever seen a post by the dude that goes by the name of bernie sanders? Doesn't all seem very grown up to me...

I wondered how soon I'd get a meme as a reply. Lol.

Single picture posts definitely degrade my feed, I'm looking more tward the 2-5 min read most of the time. Then some bigger articles I save for later.

I prefer a more engaged content, one which conversation and insight can be found and compound. Where currently fb and tw have simply created a dopamine feedback loop with infinite scroll and machine learning curation designed to maximize user time spent on the platform.

I wonder what user stats look like here compared to there. SteemOn!

I guess I can't make the feed whitelist function soon enough :D

The sooner there are filtering options the better.

I love one specific thing in this post.
"I hate memes!
Like what I do? Vote for my witness !"

Are you trying to get witness votes with HATE?

Please baby... say you don't meme it?

Could this be foreshadowing of a new writing prompt contest?

"The Day Gmuxxx Gave up on Memes"

Hehe, this isn't fiction.

I definitely get what you are saying. Some of them are actually pretty funny, but the majority are kind of, meh, especially the ones I've seen around Steemit. My meme would say "not sure if getting old or I just hate memes,"​ lol.

Yes to giving priority to thought over slogans.
Yes to making your own choices.
Yes to having the courage to speak up.

"Thought over slogans" is my new slogan.

It's my old one ;) So go ahead, it's up for grabs.

I agree! Memes are fine in their proper place: Facebook and Twitter. Not on Steem. I love memes, but on Steem consider them nothing more than SPAM. I don't think you're in the minority on this.

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