RE: Swamp Party w/ Killary Clinton, Bubba Bill, & Sen Bernie Sanders AKA "This Old Man"
They're all garbage, except for the one that you watch. You know this, because you don't watch them. That's fair.
Trump is most definitely a neo-con/tea party Republican/Alex Jones tinfoil hat fruitcake.
Approval ratings are a historical indicator of election results. I would show you some charts demonstrating correlation, but you are probably unwilling or unable to get anything out of them.
I don't know what this "swamp" is that you poor hicks keep babbling about. I would guess you are just regurgitating some old campaign propaganda. If it is in reference to a percieved corruption in American politics, I would remind you that Trump stacked his cabinet with career politicians and corporate lobbyists. This is also the first time we have seen an administration blatantly engage in nepotism.
The Mueller investigation has produced indictments, arrest warrants, and guilty pleas. The FBI is doing their job to bring the truth to the American people and expose corruption wherever they find it. Ironically, the party that likes to pay the most lip-service to the law enforcement community, now attacks and undermines their work. We all know why they are doing this. It's pretty obvious that this administration has something very ugly to hide. That's why they attack investigative journalists and the intelligence community.
Hillary did rig the primary. The people wanted Bernie, but the Democratic establishment had already invested in Hillary. Had they not made this mistake, Sanders would have taken the Democratic nomination, as well as the general election. I could prove this with numbers, but your a Trumpist, so it would be a waste of my time.
If you can't tell the difference between the policies enacted by Democratic and Republican administrations, you are probably just not paying attention. Perhaps you are insulated from some of the more severe consequences, or maybe you are just too young to remember or understand. Let me simplify it for you. Democrats craft policy that favors the public interest and working families. Republicans craft policy that favors billionaires and corporate polluters. Democrats tax rich people to build schools and hospitals. Republicans tax poor people to pay for prisons and wars.
Bush supported Hillary for the same reason that many other moderate Republicans did. They saw Trump's childish temperament and lack of experience as a risk too dangerous to take, so they supported the more qualified candidate.
Approval ratings and poll numbers are two very different things, but I probably shouldn't expect someone too lazy to differentiate between Republicans and Democrats to understand. The polls showed Hillary winning the popular vote by four percent, with a four percent margin of error. In the end, she won the popular vote by about 1%. Those numbers fall in line with what polls predicted. Unfortunately, due to an outdated electoral college system distributing unequal voting power to rural voters and red states, Trump was elected even after losing the popular vote.
These are the facts. Do with them what you will.