CONFESSIONS OF A PLANKTON GUY... Crypto & Fiat currencies in the Venezuela's Chaos: Meme challenge #85 entry-1

in #memechallenge6 years ago (edited)


Hello, #planktons, #minnows, #redfish, #dolphins, killer whales, tender #whales and other Steemit organisms ...

I know that for most of you to buy Bitcoins or accumulate thousands and thousands of Steem surely is as easy as filling a glass of water ... in the water ...

But for a small plankton like me, and worst of all, swimming in an economic mess like the #venezuela's one, getting to have a significant Steem account or getting to buy Bitcoins with them is simply a beautiful dream ...

If you want to have an idea about our critical economic situation, you can consider that, by this date, you can exchange 1 Steem for 87 Bolívares Soberanos, sovereign Bolivars (Bs.S.), the recently reconverted Venezuelan currency that has 5 zeros less to the right than the Bolívares Fuertes, strong Bolivars (Bs.F.), as we called them before the redenomination, which occurred just a few weeks ago ... That means that the price of 1 Steem is close to the price of 1 US dollar that is exchanged in our Sovereign Bolivar (at least at the unofficial price) ... Ergo, you can buy less than three #beers of 0.700 liters each one, -which we call Tercios, Thirds- with 1 Steem ...

-Tercios are my index to calculate daily inflation-▼

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But if you can change 1 Bitcoin you could receive 44,841,676,009 VEF, that is the international ISO 4217 code of the Venezuelan currency, according to my own calculation ... But ♪♫♪"I'm just a poor boy"♫♪♫, a simple freak poet, with a very limited use of the left half of my brain ... If you want to, you'd rather believe Eduardo Gomez, a Venezuelan expert in crypto currencies. According to him, "it's at 59 billion" of Bolivars of the old ones...

Surely it sounds like a "complicated game" for all of you, as XTC sang:

By the way, you might prefer to do your own calculations --- So, let's get to work! ... If you can buy 1 dollar with 61.09 Bs.S. in the official market ... 61.09 Bs.S. was 6.100.900 in the old currency cone of Bs.F. ... (ALERT: It's very hard to find $$$ in the official market, basically, because there isn't really an official market, just a system of AUCTIONS ... but in the -unofficial market but faster-, that's about 9 million Bs.F. or 90 Bs.S. per dollar) OK, let's continue: And if you received 7,350.01 US dollars for 1 Bitcoin according to some recent estimations ... Then you will receive ... @ ## $% # Bolivars for 1 Bitcoin ...

WOW..... I don't know... I'm so stupid! Please tell it to me in a comment below.
And, please, invite me for a cold beer... I assure that I will send you blessings while I am drinking it!!!

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In any case, with all that amount of Bolivars that can be traded for 1 Bitcoin you can buy a big, big, big, big mountain of food and drinks.... If you find it, of course.... But, I'm sorry, you would look like a "Dreamer, you're nothing but a dreamer"

You can get more information at:
You can contact Eduardo Gómez at:
And you can find more creative content in my blog:

Thanks to @fibra59 by creating and curating the funny #memechallenge

100% original content. Texts and photo are of my intellectual authorship. helps me with the translation.


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