Meme challenge #10: A reference for the truly geeky

My 2nd entry to @fibra59 meme challenge # 10.

I will send 5 steem to the first person to explain the reference.


Hahah , that's great. Gotta love the Hitchhiker's Guide :)

Anyways , The bugblatter beast of Traal(sp?) is so stupid , it thinks that if you can't see it , that it can't see you ... hahah ... hence the towel over the head. (or shirt in this case :) )

Sorry I missed your comment. Someone got the joke!!! Thank you for renewing my faith in humanity!

That's all good man , no worries. The HHG is one of my favorite books. It was actually one of the books they made us read in my senior year of high school , which at the time i couldn't believe we were reading that book for school of all things hahah.

I still owe you 5 steem. As soon as I get some, I will send it your way.

It's all good man , I'm not really worried about the steem :) ... I guess i just couldn't help but comment when I saw you referencing the Guide .... and i guess i just showed my total geeky-ness hahah!

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