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RE: Meme challenge #113 - Entry #1

in #memechallenge5 years ago (edited)

I wouldn't pay any attention at all to popular culture were it not for the fact that I feel compelled to try and analyze what appears to be a concerted effort on the part of very sophisticated propagandists/manipulators/advertisers to mold public perception and the consensus paradigm. I do not care to live under the control system they hope to put in place once public sentiment acquiesces to, nay, demands, them after it has succumbed to the psychological warfare.

A tempest in a teacup? I hope you are right and I am wrong. But having researched Edward Bernays, the Tavistock Institute, and studies on psychological warfare, I don't think so.

Perhaps you're familiar with the Tavsistock Institute?


Oh yes, I'm familiar with both Tavistock and Bernays; always found it suspect that Tavistock was funded by the Rockefeller dynasty....

I haven't studied a lot when it comes to actual psychological warfare, but am well familiar with the notion of causing misdirection by getting a (focus) group of people to get fired up over minutiae so they forget to look at the greater trend they are being swept along with. My dad was a bit of a "closet conspiracy theorist" as well as a skeptic of many things... and even though he was a mixed bag as a human being, I always felt he left me with a couple of useful lessons for life: (A) follow the money and (B) If you don't see a trend/pattern, keep back out till you do.

I suspect you are right... and the thing I find most disturbing isn't individual incidents like an ad or a kid in a MAGA hat, but the underlying issue that people not only don't think critically, but school no longer teach critical thinking because the powers-that-be do not want people to be able to engage in critical analysis of a situation, and form independent opinions.

Interesting that this guy's video was taken down from Facebook, youtube, zerohedge and his accounts terminated. Thank goodness the DTube link still works!

DTube is an increasingly important resource for keeping accurate records of filmed events. I noticed when the New Zealand shootings happened, the perpetrator's livestream was almost instantly on DTube. The Original YT stream could barely have been "dry" before someone put a copy on DTube.

I find it ironic that "they" allowed the Internet to happen because they would be able to infiltrate every single indvidual on the planet, but completely forgot that every single individual on the planet now has their own potential broadcast channel.

It's getting interesting :-)

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