
Are you ready judge ? :D

I am. What do I need to do :)

Just follow new entries on #memechallenge tag in "new" category..
And send me top 3 winners and few mentions.. max 5 mentions
Dead line is Sunday 12 o 'clock UTC+1

Thank you :)

Do i send then on chat


Congrats @karenb54 ! Good luck on judgeing ! I did it once and reading all the memes is alot of fun !👍😂😂😂

Cheers hun well done on the win. Voting should be fun or at least give me a few giggles :)

Thanks ! You will do awesome , good luck , its alot of fun ! 😊👍

Along as I keep reminding myself to go check the new list lol

Yup ! I kept track by upvoteing them as i read them ! It makes it easier when you check the meme feed to read the ones not upvoted yet ! I also wrote down on paper and kept track of my favorite top 6 as i went along , switching them out if better ones came up ! Good luck , i hope this helps !👍👍👍

Brim thank you, yes that helps alot :)

Awesome ! No problem glad to help ! Good night , and good luck !👍👍👍

Yeah it helped alot. Night sleep well :)

Congratulations @karenmckersie on your winning meme 😊

Thhanks @avarice ! Iy was a first to get first !! 👍👍👍😂😆

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