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RE: Currying favour from a whale can be...demoralizing

in #meme8 years ago

Now you're just milking the fact that you're on a botlist, knowing that you didn't get on it for posting 1 minute steem-memes.

This indirectly gives newbies a big incentive to post low quality memes in an attempt to also get $600 in upvotes (which they wont, let's be real here). The end result being that the bot curator gets a smeared name and loses curation power, you lose your valuable place on the botlist and we all lose value and content on the network as a whole due to the increase of spam being shoveled onto it for a quick buck.

Please show some restraint and make this network a better place. It starts with yourself.


None of the memes took a minute and I believe that only my meme content is on bot lists. But ok spookypooky, you've convinced me that self-censorship is the only option. No more memes from me.

you don't need to self-censorship.
He only said to stop "abuse" it, maybe by posting with 3-4 memes in a unique post

It really doesn't matter. I don't wish to leave myself open any further to other people's opinion on what consitutes 'abuse.' There is a conflict in subjective value evaluation here which to a large degree takes the fun out of the posts. One thing is for sure, the meme post rewards are out-sized as are many of the post rewards. I was doing my best to minimize mine and maximize the rewards for those engaging. I appreciate all the support my memes have received but i'm just going to wait for the rewards to be more balanced.

Moar memes is the answer, cheftony is right.

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