My four, consecutive, 15 hour work shifts inspired me to make this meme

in #meme6 years ago (edited)


I’m not sure if any of you know the original meme template, or if it was just a “local” meme within my meme app on my phone. Here it is regardless:


Don’t ask why it says fuck Israel or the context of it... or how it’s a meme... cause I have no fucking clue.

In all seriousness fuck those people. No, not people from Israel, the one’s who are too lazy to work for themselves and mooch off of the working class.

“Buwt Meem nehxahs this message is hatefuwl and intawlerant towards people who cahn’t work or minorities who live in poverty.” - some whinny cunt who might be reading this.

Like the meme suggests, people with actual limitations are fine for not working. This includes, but not limited to old people, people with disabilities, war vets, etc. But if you are some lazy fat libtard who just sits all day smoking weed and complaining about white people while living on taxpayer money, seriously fuck you. You are fucking useless and have no reason to be alive. Kill your self. Growing up in a poorer family is not an excuse. All it takes to not be poor yourself is 1. Graduate high school. 2. Have a job. 3. Don’t have a baby till you are married. And don’t play any race cards, cause just look at a trailer park.

Anyway that will be it for my rant. Like I said this is only the result of working several days for 15 hours each day on only 6 hours of sleep.

Remember to inject your daily memes.


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