
capitalism is the most destructive system in history lmao

Capitalism is a joke that should've died a long time ago tbh. I'm sad we didn't kill a gorillion more people. Only if that happened, smh.

here is an entire book filled with examples of it working

you should really look up revolutionary spain, it took less than a week for the workers to start living better under communism than they did capitalism

Sad thing is that the author might never read it and say: "Franco crushed them, thus I-Slam-Mic Gummunism debunkled! XD"

Look at me mum, I can debunk people by just memeing. LOL XD I have no argument and I just think that since they're stupid or some shit that I don't have to really argue them. I can only throw around ad homs in order to refute them. Ha ha Yes! Xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

Capitalism leads to the oppression of the mentally disabled, due to their often inability to provide labor as well as non-disabled workers. Only a communist or socialist state would give the disabled as good a quality of life as they deserve, since they are, you know, human beings like you and me. I can see why a group of disabled folks like in the picture would be willing to see another socialist state. I give this meme 5/5 hammers and 5/5 sickles.

Capitalism is no more different then feudalism, it should be abolished. Just like any economic system it will fail in it's beginning, it's about trying and findout what works. The only reason why capitalism has prevailed over the soviet union (if you consider them socialist), is due to a massive starting bias.

capitalism has brought nothing but tears, pains and blood to humanity. That should be the real joke mate

Communist do suck. What's up with China though? Kind of weird how a communist nation has adopted, and is used by capitalism. I guess it's all about the slave mind set.

"slave mind set"

communism is based on democracy lmao

Democracy is a horrible system of government.

you've never had democracy under capitalism, do you even know the different forms of it?

Voluntary decision making processes in my view =/ governance. All governing in the past hasn't been voluntary, so I think that it should be included as a necessary part of governance. Thus democracy as a form of governance is horrible. Simply because governance is horrible.

capitalism can't exist without a government

you don't know what consensus democracy is do you?

Consensus democracy has to come to a certain degree on what consensus is enough. Unless you think that only a 100% consensus democracy would work.

In my opinion, the capitalists are the slavemasters, aren't they?

In reality, it is the bankers who control both communist, and capitalist nations alike. Nothing happens in this world without (((their))) approval.

there are no bankers under communism

This person has fallen for right wing memery they are lost to the ether my property.

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