Make you laugh and think during the bloodbath? Animal Kingdom TIT?

in #meme7 years ago (edited)

So yeah... it's a blood bath out there.
Buckets of blood, screams of CoREKTion, people getting REKT and big ole' chunks of "meat" missing if you will...

People basically woke up like...

(SOURCE- @taxmanshark on IG)

HUH? All red like the bloodshed...

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 7.16.56 AM.png

Let's equate the "Triangle" choke to this "CoREKTION" bloodbath...
If you haven't set up your plays before you got caught, you... Yeah...What coach said.
Maybe time to HODL, Recount/Reorg and let the dust settle a bit.

Scoop 'em up if you got 'em ;-P


I hope you all have a calm heart and mind today :-P Times like this present excellent opportunity as well.

Back to these pictures of of the Firshermen being "Taxed".
(SOURCE- @taxmanshark on IG)
It makes me wonder...It really has me thinking...Does " Taxation is theft" apply to the animal kingdom?
Let's hear it.

Taxation is theft. Don't forget it.
Stay well out there.


Taxation was supposed to be a temporary thing but I guess it made the government too much money and they couldn't let that money get away so now we are taxed out the wazoo.

Unfortunately, I don't see that ending any time soon, unless the whole monetary system collapses, then maybe we'd finally be free from taxation...maybe.

@frostyamber, thank you for checking my post and your comment.

I totally get what it was " supposed to be" , taxation with representation and so on. I will be upfront and say it is all BS and no matter how I have tried to justify it, I always conclude to Taxation is by definition and actions, Theft.

If we equate the sharks and the sharks actions to that of the, "tax man" today. It is very similar.
One party does all of the work, the other predatory party swoops in and take their cut just because they have bigger teeth and can.
On dry land...and in our world, No matter how you slice it that is theft. It is what is going on here indeed.

I agree, we need a reset, collapse, whatever we want to call it. It has to break and be replaced by something that makes the current model transparent to the masses and completely irrelevant going forward.

So much more of it has to do with people understanding they are not slaves to though. We are not stock. Regardless of who is trying to steal from you, seeing this system for what it is, that it is wrong and is theft, that we are self owning and free...That's where it begins and matters most. In the mind.

I totally agree with you. There are so many things wrong with the "system" we have now and none of them can be fixed with the way the government works now.

So many of us just do our bests to stay out of the fray and keep our heads above water, but eventually we are all going to get to the point where we say enough is enough and then things are going to become very scary but also very interesting.

I hope I'm around to see it and that after all the dusts settles we will finally be free of it and be allowed to live the way we should be. :D

Totally agree with you too @frostyamber
We are seeing eye to eye on this one.
Stay well and thank you.

You too and you're welcome. :D

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