Monthly? Meme dump

in #meme6 months ago

About 5 years ago I stopped using all major social media. For me this was just FB and IG because I never got involved with Twitter or anything else and I am better off because of having not started them. Once I got away from Bookface and IG i found that i was more productive and was generally just happier. Like many people, I got roped into arguments with strangers and it kind of consumed hours of my day. I look back and cringe that I ever had anything to do with that but I think most people have been there at least once.

Nowadays, when I have some free time I open 9-Gag and look at memes. There is plenty of political propaganda in there as well about Trump, Israel, and Ukraine, but you can block the tags and they won't pop up again. The community there is pretty tight with their rules and anyone that tries to eek something political through with improper tags will see it downvoted to oblivion. It's been around a while and I really enjoy it.

Here are the memes the I enjoyed enough to save for your perusal.


This one is me, exactly. I am sure it is a lot of other people as well. While I will acknowledge that short messages have kind of decreased interpersonal relationships that is just the way the world is now. I get seriously annoyed when someone that I send a message to responds with a phone call, most of the time I won't even answer it and will just respond "send a text like a normal human."


Although I do this a lot less frequently than I used to there have been many instances in my expat life that since I don't have a traditional job, it was very routine of me to get seriously hammered on a regular basis. Every now and then someone will say that I ignored them at the bar but in reality, I probably should have gone home a long time before I did.


I often take my dog to the gym in my building when I go up there because I feel bad for her when she gives me those "don't leave me!" eyes when I am at the door. She watches me while I am working out with a look of intense confusion on her face. I wonder what she thinks is going on here. It must be very perplexing to a dog.


This rarely happens with my dog Nadi but every now and then a dog must just smell the right way and they are cool with one another. I enjoy this about dogs that are pleasant because they seem to be so excited to make new friends and aren't very choosy about it.


Before moving to Asia I had a job that was 90% travel and I would frequently be on flights. I think that most people just check their sensibilities at the door as soon as they enter an airport, or at least it would appear that way. I have never understood the frantic manner that people handle boarding or exiting a plane as if being first somehow has some sort of premium that comes along with it. The only rationale that I can come up with is that they are afraid that there wont be space for their bag but honestly, have you ever witnessed this ever happening? I am ashamed at humanity anytime I am in an airport. I can't be the only one that feels this way.


Now that song is stuck in your head, you're welcome!


Think back to when you were in school and recall all the trivial and stupid things that we were forced to learn. In the meantime actual useful skills like how to do your taxes, an introduction to coding, general finance, sewing, cooking, and something like carpentry are phased out of most schools if they were ever taught at all. I have a masters degree but honestly, don't even remember anything that was taught in those 1.5 years.


Tweets are frowned upon in 9Gag but I am one of the people that are happy they are there because since I refuse to use Twitter I wouldn't see them otherwise. This particular one was and is very true with me. I will sometimes "suss out" a group of new people by making a statement from Anchorman and if someone at the table knows it, I know that I am going to get along with that person. It has been true many times. Normally I will later say to them "did we just become best friends?" and if they know reference and respond with "yup!" it has always been someone that I end up having a great relationship with.


I will leave you like I always do with these things - with a picture of Nadi. In this photo she is sitting in one of her many doggy beds that I have all over the house. Her bed is on my bed, because she wont sleep in it otherwise.

If you have any memes to share back it would be appreciated!

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