Monthly? Meme dump

in #meme2 days ago

A few years ago I decided to take a step to change my life for the better and got off of all traditional social media. I no longer look at FB and while it is still floating around in the ether somewhere, I have no idea how to access my IG. I never had a Twitter account. Instead of participating in banal conversations with people dead-set on arguing about anything I decided to use that time to do literally anything else. Now when I have some downtime because of being in an airport or being between sets at the gym or because I have to wait in line somewhere I got to 9gag and look at what are supposed to be memes.

Just like anything in the world, the sections are routinely invaded by political posts but the community is self-governing and one of the best features is that most of the people there will downvote anyone that misuses the tags to get a political post into what is meant to be the "funny" section. They still sneak through every now and then but nowhere near as bad as regular social media where it seems almost everything was and likely still is, related to politics.

I find some gems every now and then but there is still a lot of crap in there. I also end up knowing more about current events from looking at memes than I ever saw from reading any real news.

Here are the ones that I felt compelled to save because they made me laugh. Hope you enjoy.


Anybody that knows me either in a digital or real-life sense knows that I absolutely adore dogs. My dog doesn't like to be in pictures and has to be forced to pose for anything. This good boy seems to really enjoy it though and yes, this photobomb is extremely welcome.


This, unfortunately, is me. I spent most of my life being athletic and my diet rarely had any real effect on what I looked like. Now I still have pretty good muscle mass from years of exercise and the amount of lifting that I still do, but just like a lot of men in their 40's, I have a gut. If I am standing and wearing a tight-ish shirt, I look pretty ripped. If I sit down though, my body tells a very different story. I am unlikely to lose my spare tire because I like to enjoy my meals. I'll just have to deal with that


This is not funny at all... it is just oh so very true in my life. I really enjoyed video games as a teenager. In fact, they were instrumental in me not getting in very much trouble as a teen. While my friends were out partying, getting drunk and pregnant, I was at LAN parties or over at a friend's house playing video games, drinking Coca Cola, and eating pizza. This is what I wanted to do more than anything else. I have a Playstation now, but every time I fire it up I find myself getting bored quickly. It just doesn't interest me anymore and that kind of makes me sad.


Tweets are frowned upon by a lot of the 9gag community but because I don't have Twitter/ X and don't even look at Tweets, the only place I see them is on 9gag. While I didn't really screw up my life at all and have been relatively successful with everything I have ever tried, I do feel as though with a bit of tweaking I could really do it great if I had another go-round. So if I could somehow go back to my own time and be 14 year old me again, I think I could have done something really great. I believe that most people feel this way because you know, hindsight and all that.


I absolutely hate this trend and if I am in a restaurant that has this policy I will do exactly what the person in the cartoon does. I hate how much life revolves around smartphones and I refuse to participate in anything related to it. I was in a ramen place with friends recently and was shown the QR code. My friends all stuck around and were a bit upset with me when I refused to eat there. I left even though that meant that the group plans were screwed for the night. Take your QR codes and shove them right up your butt.


I may have actually posted this one before and if that is the case, my bad! It is me though. I don't often get seriously drunk but when I do I am a happy drunk and can easily become friends with anyone. I am down for whatever in those times. I also really liked this meme because the doggo looks a bit like my dog Nadi.


Last one. I hate politics especially USA ones. This year's election has a lot of people all worked up and while it doesn't happen often, sometimes someone over here tries to introduce it into a conversation. Do you want to argue? Is that what you want to do? I will tell people to stop talking about it because it is stupid and you know it is going to cause a problem. I would gladly vote for Todd if that was an option.

I will end this as I always do, with a picture of Nadi. She will only pose for pictures if she doesn't know they are happening or there are treats involved.


Here she is with all her cuteness, surrounded by her toys on one of her 5 beds that she has in my 50 square meter apartment. She's everything to me.

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