
Wherever you go where money is involved, there will be an incrowd laughing all the way to the bank. Little you can do about it, it's a free market, and can you really blame them? A few actually write interesting content.

Maybe with a linear reward curve, some silent whales voting again, and @htooms and @berniesanders settling their differences and trying to do something about this, we could get a trending page that is somewhat presentable to the outside world.

large-stakeholders have more to lose if the currency falls in value due to
abuse than they might gain by voting for themselves. In fact, honest large stakeholders are
likely to be more effective by policing abuse and using negative voting than they would be
by voting for smaller contributions.

From the Steem Whitepaper.
While being outdated in large parts, this bit is still relevant.

I'm especially upset about constitutionalized collusion by steemvoter and steemtrail.
I don't understand how any whale would support this crap.
Streemian offers the same service for free and without the self-vote exploitation.

There's an old Dutch expression that says: "De duivel schijt altijd op de grote hoop", which translates as "The devil always shits on the big heap".

This sort of thing will always happen when money is involved, and self-regulating mechanisms always seem to be weaker than expected, as the long-term prospects of Steem and Steemit are not exactly first and foremost on the minds of the greedy. They will just optimise their income any which way they can, and again, why blame them? They can, so they are allowed, free market and all that.

Really doing something about it with rules would be called socialism, therefore evil. Magical thinking and invisible hands are mainstream economics on Steemit, and those do not cater for institutionalised collusion.

They will just optimise their income any which way they can, and again, why blame them?

Because they hold a position of trust; some witnesses support this collusion.

Witnesses can be voted out. Unfortunately, this voting is also stake-based. Money makes power, power makes money. This is designed-in because of the economic belief systems of the designers; to them, things are probably working as intended, or they just don't care anymore.

The witness income was intended to be spend for social projects outside of Steem.
Not to be accumulated to have a large stake to trade against other witnesses' witness votes.

Honestly, I don't see those projects from the major stakeholders (apart from the lame guild style selfvotes).

yeah I was wishing that something good came outside of steemit, so far there are some good examples like @verbal-d, who is being honest and hard working, but apart from a few people only @voronoi with his idea is focused on real world development @hitheryon I was a bit away from the steem for a while so I've missed most of the growth ideas, but as with anything I don't see that trending, things are back to the way they were, it only takes a week and everything is reset, bots are on new "lucrative" authors and whales are whales, always lending a helping hand, mostly to themselves, but we all profit don't we :D

I may be alone in this thinking, but I love this place. Having said that, everything has a good and bad side to it. The bad = trending page. I avoid that page like the plague. It offers no motivation for me, although it used to when I first started. Now I don't visit that page unless I or my close friends are on it.

Absolutely. I made the mistake of clicking on trending a couple of times this week, and now I'm tempted to go back to using pencil-stubs in notebooks. This site and community can be wonderfully motivating, but the #$#$ing trending-page sucks.

If I get this right, someone else wrote what you wish to write?

I was going to write a lengthy explanation, why I think most curation trails do more harm than good and mostly benefit a chosen few, but I can't be bothered.
Also it would be hard without giving examples and calling out names.

Gotcha. Saw the trending page now! Damn.

You know? I was actually complaining about this recently. I am new here and didn't know about curation trails. So moment this guy told me, I was like WTF?

This is "cheating" I thought. And he went onto explain how everyone is using it. I am a content guy and I like to write. Yet to know there exists a power that can be used and abused at will, and is done even now, is kinda disappointing.

Unfortunately, it looks like everyone wants to play the game that way. I still don't know how it works. I don't give my voting power to anyone.

Right now, I am simply voting what I like and commenting on what I like. Hope this platform turns into a level-playing field.

Given that you ( at the moment - soon to be changed ) have 40 votes/day, it does make some sense to lend some of your voting power to a trail - if only just to maximize your income. Voting gives you curation rewards and most users don't have the time or the ambition to vote that often.

This idea however has been corrupted and the most annoying part is that witnesses joined these activities.

Alright, thank you! I understood voting offers me curation rewards but what if those leaders vote for their own friends?

I have only heard about witnesses. Don't wish to go there now as they seem like the bad guys. If you have any suggestions for me, I would be gladly willing to listen and apply them.

Witnesses are the ones who run Steem. They are very important.

I suggest you look into this a little and decide which witnesses you like the most and vote for them.
You can also see, who I voted for here: (lower left corner)

I'd suggest you vote as you please (witnesses as well as content).
I believe this platform would work best if the users all acted individually.

Thank you! I saw yours and was surprised not to find the same column in mine. Definitely learning all these as we speak.

I'd suggest you vote as you please (witnesses as well as content).
I believe this platform would work best if the users all acted individually.

Definitely! Really appreciate your help! Researching this info to the core now.

Looks like a bunch of developers making stuff to add network value imho..!

I have voted for the developer-posts myself.

Those are not the contributions I'm worried about.

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