We are the message.

in #meme7 years ago (edited)


Message in a bottle, that's what we are.

We talk about the things that matter to us. Desires. Fears. Jokes. Epiphanies.

And we each are INCREDIBLE at particular ways of showing how things could be better, like: permaculture, natural building, self-actualization, cryptocurrency, privacy, subversion, peaceful parenting, unschooling, survival skills, repealing the prohibition of cannabis, etc.

As an example, my vegan and vegetarian friends are generally an embodied message of compassion to all beings and earth's resources, as well as enlightened health.

What they stand for flies in the face of one of the most gripping of all our addictions -- savory "comfort" foods that taste so good, and induce a certain kind of numbing coma we mistake for satisfaction (but is really, probably, gas and gut rot.)

Fat, dead food is one of the ways we have, historically, "gotten through" tough times... and celebrated good times. Now, food together with shopping are two of our favorite "past-times" with which we, literally, pass time.

We're touchy about it. Defensive, reactive and triggery.

So, when we cross paths even with a reasonable, non-judgmental person who simply eats with more consciousness and care than we do, we're likely to feel self-conscious and on-guard.

Maybe we don't want to know the full truth about whatever our protected food item is (meat, white salt and sugar, alcohol, dairy, etc.), because what will we do with that potential conflict? What would we do with a struggle within us, between our cultivated tastes/traditions, and new information that might expose its not-goodness for us?

It seems to be one of the hardest conversations I've seen in public discourse.

I'm grateful for the DEMONSTRATIONS and EXAMPLES of those who eat more light, and less death.

Their radiance and vitality is so attractive. That is what draws me to consider leaving X behind, and adding Z... the proof of their own bodies and health. The bottle that holds their message.

I love the colorful, life-filled foods I see in my social media streams. And the toned, healthy bodies. This inspires the Life and Zest in me to want to break forth, too!

So THANK YOU, every single messenger who, in their own way, shares the good stuff... of Light, Freedom, Love.

It's easy to get hung-up and off-track over details, and lose sight of the bigger goal... which is EXPANDED COMPASSION TO ALL.


Slow Medicine



Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :]

Thanks, @yourboss! I really appreciate it. Hey, just so ya know, your name is untrue ;-)

This is beautiful, and so true! People are not attracted to the anger and the dogma, rather, the inspiration. :)

P.S. I still don't regret the 21 peanut buttercups I stashed in your freezer. That was a good time ;)

@maceytomlin: Mmmm, no regrets! 😋

Beautiful message! Fol

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