How dare I make a Capitalist meme?

in #meme6 years ago (edited)

I'm really tired of seeing this emotionally driven and logically void whining from people on the left side. After seeing this stupid meme a few times, and the ignorant comments that followed, I thought I'd spin it in a light that can help people better understand why its OK for many CEOs to make this kind of money.

In this particular case, his salary is negligible. It doesn't hurt anyone. He's not making anyone any poorer. It gives him incentive to likely create another 5,000 jobs in the next quarter. If he does it, it is well deserved.


He has been expanding his franchise, creating thousands of new jobs for 8 years.

Why all the hate?

Its because people are taught to be resentful of those who have things. Its much easier to tear things down than to do the work of understanding and building, or just merely supporting those who support you.


With love,


I would have to agree only because the people who work for him do so out of their own free will. However, that (will) also has a lot to do with the programming sometimes called education. Not all can see their way to self employment, when from a young age they are being programed to work for some one else. It was Henry Ford who said "I don't want good citizens, I want good workers" His and other (Rockefeller) foundations made sure that the same became a reality.

Dunkin donuts? They are disgusting drug laden excuse for food. Not the best example of the greatness of capitalism. Or as I call it exploitationism. Fuck Caesar!

I really agree with you. And your message is very good.

Great to see you back. Upvoted and resteemed.
Luckily steemit has good reception towards sensibilities such as capitalism. I've had some Christopher Hitchens fans spitting paradoxes about Ayn Rand on steemit. But generally steemians are very intelligent people.

You should keep posting more of these memes that goes beyond just being funny.

Happy steeming!

the left are just weak, angry, and want things for free- and resent anyone that has more than them...

Communism - bring everyone to as low as possible, so one one has more than each other... (except the leaders and the intelligent people, obviously)

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