
We are indeed each interpretations of the vision of the universe. The greatest gift we have is the ability to hear and speak those interpretations to better understand our place here.

The greatest gift we have is the ability to hear and speak those interpretations to better understand our place here.

Well said, great response. :) I was saying something similar to this earlier in another conversation.. And.. I think it is one of the most important things to sort of try to understand the nature of reality to the best of our abilities. I'd much rather spend my life trying to learn about the world than like mostly just playing sports or video games or watching tv or a lot of what many others choose to spend most of their free time on. Philosophizing and trying to learn about life is one of the most important things I think..

Agreed. The rewards for the knowledge gain IMO far supersede material gains. Understanding, empathy, compassion and stoicism are all realized by listening and learning to those other perspectives.

I guess what gets lost in the translation is that you don't have to agree with an opposing view, but gaining the perspective, there is the true knowledge.

Whatever path your on man, I think it's the right one. Your bringing an open mind in a very closed minded world. Hopefully your curiosity is reaching your followers!

I agree. Unfortunately the material is out of balance in this society for what seems like most people, and not enough focus is spent on bettering our character and ourselves.. But rather living hedonistically for simple pleasures. shrug..It's frustrating at time, but thanks for the nice words! I really appreciated what you said at the end there. :)

We humans created so much useless stuffs to keep ourselves busy and waste the time. We are afraid of to counter our true self. We always doubt ourselves why we are doing all these things but never get satisfactory answers. Nobody is concerned about the true meaning of the life and always consider himself to be a slave of his own thoughts and habits.

Excellent post @apolymask. thanks for sharing.

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