Membrana and Credits: trust management on the blockchain of new generation

in #membrana6 years ago (edited)

Admit it, what’s important in management of yours digital assets?

What you are thinking at first when you choose the resource for storage and multiplying of cryptocurrency? You’re absolutely right — about safety and usability! We are constantly improving in this direction.

And today we would like to present the new partner of Membrana — it’s Credits!

We are creating a smooth connection between our blockchain platforms, allowing users to log in with their Credits’ wallets and use all the features available on Membrana! Pay with the currencies you are comfortable with. Safely and easily.

Introducing the blockchain of new generation created by Credits.

Credits — is autonomous blockchain platform based on the principles of peer-to-peer network. It is a decentralized system for direct interaction of its members. Credits provides completely new technical decision and conceptual scheme of interaction. The system incorporates all the users of the network providing them opportunities for creating and using financial services. Every member of the blockchain is able to offer a service as long as to use different services. For the operations are used tokens — Credits (CS).

Why did we choose Credits?

Credits platform uses advanced data storage mechanics, which we find a key factor in providing security for assets of our users. Also, DPOS consensus algorith with a Byzantine Fault Tolerances (BFT) validation method provides much more faster transaction speed without any risks of fraud nodes. For us, safety is always important and we like the effort Credits did put in it.

Technical decisions made by Credits.

Becides consensus algorithm and validation technology Credits use BLAKE2s hash sum generation witch offers several benefits related to security:

Improved compression function

Reduced number of constants

Block of parameters consisting of initialization vectors

Faster data transfer

Digital signature

All together 

Credits is an unique platform which provides a fundamentally different approach to tackling any information security problems facing the blockchain system. Together we a making our ecosystem more reliable and usable providing our customers the best solution in trust management industry.

What next?

Right now at Membrana blockchain platform have an airdrop going, where everyone can participate and get 100 000 our tokens every week! All the information can be seen here.

At the same time, we have a juicy offer for Credits community which will soon be announced. Join our social networks to get on to it.We are sure that our partnership will create the professional trade union of strong teams.Follow the news!










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