How to make 90% profit in crypto? Trader’s secret: «Avoid mainstream media»

in #membrana6 years ago

After 10th round of Membrana’s Global Traders Competition we’ve talked to the round winner TAONOW from New Jersey, USA, who showed amazing result of 90% ROI and earned himself $90 and a high ranking spot.

Read more about the competition.

-Hello TAONOW, thank you for your time here. Is this your first success in the competition?

-Not really, I won one of the first few weeks as well. But this is definitely the biggest win.

-You are quiet consistent with your results, which indicates a good skill. Can you give some some advice for traders entering the crypto?

-Avoid mainstream media. I read up as much as I can about new and old crypto projects & invest in ones I believe will be around long term. Medium, Reddit, Twitter. Try hearing directly from developers, leaders and teams.

-And do you use any technical analysis when you trade, is it as helpful as everybody said?

-Well, I don’t like things being too complicated. For numbers, I look at market cap, daily volume, exchange listings, available/total supply & coin stats score. I look at all that and make my choice.

-So for you personally, what is the key of success in trading?

-Luck, research & trusting your gut.

Thanks for your answers and good luck in next rounds!

Global Traders Competition will continue for the next few months!

Everyone has the opportunity to join our Competition, get free $100, win the prize pool of $100,000 and even get Membrana tokens at the end of Competition! We will distribute 2% of our tokens to the Global Traders Competition participants according to obtained points! It’s worth $300,000 with a platform hard cap equal $8,000,000. Read more about it here.

Earn with Membrana! Let’s go!

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