Megabsc the first projects to build the hybrid Defi alliance infrastructure on bsc & polygon network

in #megabsc3 years ago



Megabsc is a designed to build a hybrid alliance with the Binance Smart Chain for the optimisation of the Defi strategies. The project is managed by a team of experts that are experienced in blockchain development and technology, in partnership with financial institutions that build products that are strategic in the Binance Smart Chain. The community has a goal of assisting it's users to enjoy automated pools and yielded opportunities.

The Megabsc platform is controlled by a cryptocurrency referred to as MEG token. It is a BEP-20 token built on the Binance Smart Chain network. The management will supply MEG tokens for the project.

Measures will be adopted by the management to control the availability of the tokens in the market in order to protect its price values. This will be achieved by reducing the amount of per block MEG, incentising people to provide liquidity and burning of the excess MEG tokens regularly.

Megabsc Exchange

This is a platform for trading cryptocurrency. It enhances trading of traditional currencies for cryptocurrencies or migration of cryptocurrency from one blockchain platform to another.

A fee of 0.2% is charged on every token trading on the Megabsc Exchange. The fee is appropriated as follows:

  • 0.17% is retained in the LP for rewarding the liquidity providers.
  • 0.03% is sent to the treasury fund for development activities.

Megabsc Farming

This is an automated money making machine of the megabsc community. It is s a liquidity pool where users can deposit tokens for farming to earn great benefits. It's features include:

  • Payment of incentive rewards with the tokens of partner platforms featured in the community.
  • Payment of reward incentive with Meg token for members that have leverage positions.
  • Low trading fees.
  • Reward incentives for yield farming.


This is a process of depositing Meg tokens in the LP and locking it up in the pool for sometime in order to prove staking transactions on the blockchain. This has a great reward for the participants in the program. It is a great alternative to the present low interest yielded environment. Investors can stake MEG tokens to earn new tokens. The rewards are calculated in blocks. The stakes and earnings can be withdrawn at any willing time.


Megabsc Referral

This is a program designed to reward users for their participation in the growth and development of the community through the invitation of their friends, colleagues and family members to the community. Users can get rewarded in the referral program through farms and launchpools. A 2% reward is given to the user from the earnings of the invited friends. The reward will be visible and ready for withdrawal whenever the referred friend want to withdraw Meg tokens to the wallet.

Leveraged Yield Farming

This is a process of giving special rewards, in the form of other tokens to farmers who provide liquidity to a certain liquidity pool on the AMM protocol such as Pancakeswap. This reward is in addition to share of trading fees which is normally given to providers of liquidity in the AMM.

This program will allow users to build their wealth by having more investment in the farm yield. Thus, leveraging their farming positions.

Megabsc Launchpad

This is a platform established in the community to enable users launch their projects in a hybrid pool on the BSC Network. It helps to protect the investors by providing best scrutinised projects for them to select from.




In September 2021, MegaBSC will release the “$MEG” Token, the first Hybrid Defi Protocol Infrastructure. This token will be a unique token compatible in 2 networks, namely BSC and Matic/Polygon. In detail the $MEG token is

  • Token Name : MEGABSC
  • Token Symbol : MEG
  • Network : BEP-20
  • Smart Contract : 0x3989bd3be17cf689872cc00c3754e6bf6484717d


In september 2021, will also apply for cooperation to obtain an audit from Certik Security Foundation & Hacken Security Services. Audits are held to provide security assurance as well as an explanation of token performance to everyone. So that everyone can know how this MegaBSC platform system works. If the $MEG Token is passed by Certik or Hacken, it can be concluded that this token has a good system and is suitable for investment.


In this month, Mega BSC will also have Partnership Announcements with the Financial Institutions & Pivotal Defi projects of BSC. So that the platform mentioned above will soon be built.

In October 2021, MegaBSC will lock down Liquidity on all exchanges where MegaBSC is registered, specifically Swap Exchange. This is certainly good news for investors because with this liquidity, users can easily trade their assets on the swap exchange where MegaBSC is registered.

In This month, MegaBSC also plans to list MegaBSC on some very large and well-known platforms. Mega BSC will be listed on BITMART, HOTBIT, OKEX, PROBIT, CMC, COINGECKO and DAPP RADAR. This is a very exciting moment because with this MegaBSC will be better known and will have many partners and investors on several different platforms.


In November 2021, Mega BSC will Launch of Cross Chain Platform with Polygon. This launch will be one of MegaBSC’s main projects where after this activity is running, users can easily transact even though they are on different networks. This will reduce the amount of transaction costs. Great.

In This month, Mega BSC will also have an activity, namely the Mega Launch of “MEG” Token Lottery Pot-with no Loss Jackpot. This will be a feature that every user can benefit by following the lottery easily and with huge prizes.
Mega BSC will Launch of Leverage yield Farming Protocol with Boosted Apy’s. This is a continuation of the development feature, namely by launching the Farming feature. Users can farm and earn $MEG tokens easily.

In December 2021, it will be one of the platforms whose token, $MEG, can be used to play games on third party gaming apps and sport gaming platforms. Users can earn money while playing games because just like farming or staking, users also use their assets to play and earn MEG tokens.

In This month, MegaBSC will finally launch the “MEG” Multi Chain Wallet, just like Trustwallet, where this Wallet can be used to store, send, and receive all crypto assets of different blockchains.

Some of the plans above have been running and are starting to enter the period in September. In the future MegaBSC will continue to provide new breakthroughs in the cryptocurrency world.

#MegaBSCFinance #MegaBSC #MEG #blockchain #cryptocurrency #technology #bitcoin #money #crypto #Binance #BNB #cryptocurrencies #fintech

Project Links

Username : ciung_lee
Profile :;u=2712533
BSC Wallet Address : 0xbbf45879ACDe58E653BdF0422e873Ebf03aDc491

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