Next Steem Dublin Meetup - Crypto Café on Aungier Street - Saturday 24th February

in #meetup6 years ago

Hi All,

I visited the new Crypto Café in Dublin on Tuesday, and they were happy to let us use their couch for our meetups. I'd like to do our meetups there for a couple of reasons. It has been a bit silly with crypto having come this far, that we pay for all our drinks with the old fashioned paper or plastic we want to do away with. Also, it would be nice to get a little hub going for the crypto space in Dublin. We might get more people into Steem if we're in a place where crypto people tend to hang out.

As usual it will be the last Saturday of each month, starting at 4 pm. We'll likely head out to a pub after, not sure what time, we'll play it by ear. The address of the café is 23 Aungier Street.



Sounds like an excellent plan. Steemit HQ!


I'll do my best to get in and say hi. :)

Cool, it's only a matter of time before we get them to accept steem. Must keep some in liquid form. This could be a great opportunity for them and steem as far a publicity goes.

Thats a great idea, wonderful to see this opening in Dublin. How did you find out about it ?.

Spotted it on /r/cryptocurrency.

Hope there will be something positive for you guys.Wish you luck.@upvoted

This is superb.the photo is lovely also. Cheers!!

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