Meetup ; Connecting and Reconnecting

in #meetup6 years ago

It's been weeks since the meetup of Indonesian Community (KSI) Chapter Bireun, but only these days I start collecting one story to another about it

After the first meetup of Indonesian Community (KSI) Chapter Banda Aceh, this was the very first time that I joined another meetup. Not only because it's been a while since I visited the city, but also I knew, there would be many agendas if I travel with these people

There were couple of posts already in Steemit about this event. From Steemian of Banda Aceh perspective, there was always some mentioned how long we traveled that time. It supposed to be around 5-6 hours, but it took us almost 12 hours, or even more. From shore break in Saree, dinner in Sigli, tried coffee with egg in Lameu, meet some of Steemian from Bireun in Cafee. It was pas mid night, but we keep having another agenda, in d-1 before the meetup itself

Sudah beberapa minggu berlalu sejak meetup KSI Chapter Bireun, lah saya baru mengumpulkan ide satu persatu, menulis sedikit dokumentasi terkait acara beberapa waktu lalu huhu.

Setelah Meetup Perdana KSI Banda Aceh, baru kali ini saya bela-belain ikut dengan team KSI Banda Aceh sampai ke Bireun. Selain karena udah lama gak main ke kota ini, juga karena yakin akan ada agenda-agenda lain, baik terduga maupun tak terduga dari pasukan yang berangkat ke Bireun ini.

Beberapa tulisan teman-teman Steemian Banda Aceh sudah cukup menjelaskan, bagaimana perjalanan yang harusnya hanya 5-6 jam, jadi 12 jam. Berhenti di Saree, makan malam di Sigli, ngopi boh manok weng di Lameu, ketemu dengan Steemian Bireun di salah satu cafee di sana. Padahal sudah lewat tengah malam, tapi masih aja ada agenda di H-1 sebelum meetup dilaksanakan.

Image taken by: @kemal13

Just like previous meetup, one of the main agenda was sharing knowledge. From one Steemian to another, sharing about who to write better, more charming way and so on. We barely meet, so why not using this event to "steal" some of their knowledge. Thats the advantage
being a member of community where people come from different background.

Little bit different from the purpose of the event. I went there, just like the title of this event was, to ; Connect and reconnect.

Reconnect with people I have met before. There are people I've known for quite sometime, but due the distance, I met them occasionally only. So why not use this opportunity to meet them again.

On the other hand, through this event I try to connect aka get to know more Steemian. That's one thing. Also, I got to meet family of some Steemian. Why does it sound weird :D . For instance family of @kemal13. I have know him for more than a year, but only then I got to meet his adorable son. The same goes with family of @silvira . Her parent is just way to nice to bring along some food for our lunch. And they are lovely too :)

Seperti juga meetup sebelumnya, agenda utama kegiatan adalah berbagi. Berbagi ilmu antara yang lebih dulu bergabung di dunia per-steemit-an, berbagi ilmu di dunia kepenulisan, maupun ilmu-ilmu lainnya. Kapan lagi kan bisa mencuri ilmu dari Steemian yang datang dari berbagi background hehe.

Sedikit berbeda tujuan saya hadir di event ini. Seperti judul dari postingan ini; connecting and reconnecting .

Reconnect dengan mereka-mereka yang telah lebih dulu dikenal. Dengan kata lain bersilaturrahim dengan Steemian lainnya. Sebagian memang sudah dikenal, walaupun ilmunya belum habis dicuri hehe. Says juga berkesempatan untuk mengenal lebih banyak orang lagi, dalam hal ini saya menyebutnya Connecting. Kenalan dengan keluarga dari beberapa Steemian adalah bonus lainnya. Sebut saja keluargnya @kemal13 , kalau yang lain udah lama kenal dengan si anak kecil nan lucu itu, saya baru di acara ini ketemu. Belum lagi ketemu keluarga @silvira , eh ketiban rejeki nasi maulid. Alhamdulillah, Steemian Banda Aceh pun tersenyum bahagia :D

Image source : @kemal13

Image source : @silvira mom :D

There was a saying, if you wanna know ore about someone, try to travel with that person. This long journey from Banda Aceh to Bireun and back let me learn more about them, Steemian of Banda Aceh. And they are... ah, I'll just let them be for now :D

Kata orang, kalau mau tau seperti apa seseorang itu, cobalah bepergian dengannya. Perjalanan nan panjang ini, setidaknya memberi kesempatan untuk saya lebih kenal beberapa Steemian yang tergabung dalam KSI Chapter Banda Aceh. Ternyata mereka, ah sudahlah...


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