Talk on Steemit 5th Münster Blockchain Meetup

in #meetup8 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians! My name is Andreas.

I want to announce a life stream from the Münster Blockchain MeetUp which will deal with Steemit. I will give an introduction and have nice guests. It will all be held in German language. So it is a good oppertunity to learn German :-)

Time will be 1st Oktober 3:00 p.m. GMT+2

Here is the LINK for the live stream to register.

Please be patient. This is the first trial of a life stream.
See you in the webinar?

Hallo Steemians. Ich möchte alle Interessierten zu unseren morgigen Münster Blockchain Meetup, der sich mit Steemit beschäftigen wird in den Live Stream einladen. Ich werde eine Einführung in Steemit geben und ich habe nette Gäste. Pharesim kommt möglicherweise auch als "special guest" - Sprache deutsch.

Zeit: 1. Oktober 15:00 Uhr GMT+2
Ich bitte um Nachsicht. Es ist der erste Versuch, einen Life-Stream einzurichten.
Wir sehen uns im Webinar?

I will introduce myself here

... but mostly tomorrow with that talk on steemit. It will cover the essence of my studies on steemit of the last weeks.

By profession I am a Medical Doctor and work since 30 years as General Practitioner with specialization on Homoeopathy.

This is the cosy place where I see my patients - we are 6 different practitioners mostly arround holistic health and psychotherapy, not only doctors.

These are my tools - my friends who sometimes can do wonders - believe it or not.

These are my tools - homoeopathic remedies of which I have a collection of 1500 - they feel like my friends who sometimes can do wonders - believe it or not.

And we have a big seminar room where the blockchain meetup will held tomorrow - have a look.

unser Institut

My interest for IT

I have always been interested in the new and exciting developments so now I was caught by blockchain technology and the huge implications for the future of mankind.

I have come a long way with IT always aside my school, studies and profession.
Being 59 years old I started coding (ALGOL W) in 1974 at school by writing code onto punching cards which were fed into huge computers which filled large rooms.

... that was already the first revolution .... There was no PC, there was no screen (only print outs) and the internet still needed 20 years to come and mark the next revolution.
I have surfed quite some waves... and so many unbelievable ones followed.
The speed of development is as exciting as it is frightening because all this is also carrying a disruptive quality. And now blockchain technology opens up so many game changing oportunities. Lets hope things will be more evolutions than revolutions. The latter we did have far to much. I still think the arabian spring would not have happened without social media platforms. And fires (like in Syria) are still burning and harming many people.

We have to keep our human nature and reasoning and not everything that technologically is possible should be realized. (Those recent discussions on steemit about bots and AI @stellabelle left quite some uneasiness with me.)
Mankind has to cultivate the consciousness of responsibility which will be the only way not to enter into climate and other chaotic disasters. There is some hope on my side that blockchain may give more power to the people and let the wisdom of the crowd work. Natural systems have highly intelligent unconscious self organizing capabilities what I can see in my naturopathic practice every day.
So it will be interesting to see, if healthy processes of self organisazation happen here. It sometimes looks like. It need the right mixture of rules and incentives to create just the right environment where life flourishes. Evolution needed millions of years with lot of try and error. We cannot be sure if steemit will survive this adventure into unknown territory. Time will tell.
I feel, there is so much to learn and communicate about all the different aspects of this platform. Especially with non-english speaking people there is a huge and steep learning curve. I am willing to help to better understand steemit, and I have to admit, that I still don´t really understand it to the core.
We will all see where this crazy social experiment will go one day. We will all learn a lot even when it will fail - and this might be the most important aspect. One day we all have to die and we will all look at this game from a very different point of view ...
See you hopefully tomorrow in my MeetUp Webinar


Ich schau später mal rein, hoffes es klappt. lg aus Mallorca

hoffe ich auch!!! - Grüße auf die Insel, auf der ich noch nie war ...

Willkommen in der deutschen steemit Gemeinschaft!
Ein sehr gelungener Artikel. Zu Beginn meines Mathematikstudiums habe ich auch mit Lochkarten gekämpft.
Upvoted. Followed.
Gruss aus München Christian @freiheit50

Ja, die Lochkartenstanzgeräte standen hier im Mathematischen Institut überall auf den Gängen rum... ich war noch Psychologiestudent und hab mich an PL1 damals versucht - Statistik etc... lang ist es her.
Vielen Dank und Gruß nach München

I am sorry, my webcam stopped working just before we wanted to start, with the test it was working then now way to have it fixed with another system... So there is no record of the webinar. Quite frustrating. But we had a very through discussion about all aspects of steemit and a nice time together.

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