When Indonesian Curator @aiqabrago Meet "Limousine" (Moment in Gayo Meet up)

in #meetup7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemian fellow..


Indonesian curator @aiqabrago with Limousine background

Meet up which took place on 10-11 March 2018 in the cool city of Takengon a few days ago still leaves a few stories that have not been revealed to the surface, one of which is the meet of Indonesia Curator @aiqabrago and Limousine (Vehicles that have been a racehorse team meet up hunter) to attend some meet up agenda that has been implemented in some areas in Aceh, call it Meet up in Bireuen District on February 11, 2018, then followed meet up in East Aceh on February 24,2018 and the latest climbing trip to town of Gayo on meet up Gayo 10-11 March 2018 in Aceh province.
Meet up yang berlangsung pada tanggal 10-11 maret 2018 di Kota dingin Takengon beberapa hari yang lalu masih menyisakan beberapa tabir cerita yang belum terungkap ke permukaan, salah satunya adalah bertemunya Kurator Indonesia @aiqabrago dan Limousine (Kendaraan yang selama ini menjadi Kuda pacu team meet up hunter) untuk menghadiri beberapa agenda meet up yang telah dilaksankan di beberapa wilayah Aceh, sebut saja Meet up di Kabupaten Bireuen pada 11 Februari 2018, kemudian disusul meet up di Aceh timur pada 24 Februari dan yang teranyar perjalanan mendaki ke tanoh Gayo pada meet up Gayo 10-11 maret 2018 lalu di provinsi Aceh.


Indonesian curator @levycore with meet up hunter team pose background of Limousine

Ex-box vehicles that have been used in the team meet up hunter as a facility for various activities with the community as a vehicle to accommodate the novice steemian in order to attend meet up in various areas in Aceh Province. Limousine made in 2004 using Mitubishi Orion 4G17 SOHC 12 valve 1343cc engine developed specifically for Mitsubishi Colt T120ss. This machine can generate power output of 78Hp at 6000rpm and 107Nm of torque at 3500rpm, had become the attention of the Indonesian curator @aiqabrago, coincidence so far Indonesia curators only see it in every post meet up hunter team, but the chance met finally realized at meet up KSI chapter Gayo a few days ago.
Kendaraan eks boks yang selama ini di gunakan team meet up hunter sebagai fasilitas untuk berbagai bersama komunitas sebagai kendaraaan untuk mengakomodasi para novice steemian agar dapat hadir pada meet up di berbagai wilayah di Provinsi Aceh. Limousine keluaran tahun 2004 menggunakan mesin Mitubishi Orion 4G17 SOHC 12 valve 1343cc yang dikembangkan secara khusus untuk Mitsubishi Colt T120ss. Mesin ini dapat menghasilkan output tenaga sebesar 78Hp pada 6000rpm dan torsi 107Nm pada 3500rpm, sempat menjadi perhatian kurator Indonesia @aiqabrago, kebetulan selama ini kurator Indonesia hanya melihatnya di setiap postingan team meet up hunter,namun kesempatan bersua akhirnya terwujud di meet up KSI chapter Gayo beberapa hari yang lalu.




Indonesian curator, say holla to Limousine

Limousine who visited by @aiqabrago as seemed excited, once the starter, it's immediately lights up, during this time Limousine often sulk (do not want a starter) if the team was rushed to go to some meet up had visited the team meet up hunter. Even to go to Idi last month at meet up KSI chapter east Aceh, Limousine was forced to be encouraged to revive his passion back on the highway.
Limousine yang didatangi @aiqabrago seperti tampak bersemangat, sekali starter dia langsung menyala, selama ini Limousine sering ngambek (tidak mau starter) jika team sedang keburu ingin berangkat ke beberapa meet up yang telah pernah disambangi team meet up hunter. Bahkan untuk berangkat Ke Idi bulan lalu pada meet up KSI chapter east Aceh, Limousine terpaksa harus didorong untuk membangkitkan gairahnya kembali di jalan raya.


Indonesian curator, driver test Limousine

Indonesian curator @aiqabrago had several times with Limousine, it was to be wearing a racing knalpot, his fierce voice encouraged the curator for Limousine's feasibility test that day, this opportunity was also documented by some steemian friends, and @aiqabrago had posed with limousine , even in this edition @aiqabrago ask for a pose alone with Limousine, then the next turn to the team meet up hunter pose together.
Kurator Indonesia @aiqabrago sempat beberapa kali menggeber Limousine, yang kebetulan memakai knalpot racing, suara garangnya semakin menyemangati kurator untuk uji kelayakan Limousine hari itu, kesempatan ini pula sempat didokumentasikan oleh beberapa teman-teman steemian, serta @aiqabrago sendiri sempat berpose bersama limousine, bahkan di edisi ini @aiqa.brago meminta untuk pose berdua saja dengan Limousine, selanjutnya baru dipersilahkan team meet up hunter berpose bersama.





Well steemian, that's the first meet the Limousine with @aiqabrago as Indonesian curator who has often seen the activity of a limousine on the steemit blog , especially in every team meet up hunter post.
Nah steemian, itulah pertemuan pertama Limousine bersama @aiqa.brago selaku Kurator Indonesia yang selama ini sering melihat aktivitas limousine di blog steemit, khususnya dalam setiap program team meet up hunter.

Aceh Sumatra, Indonesia


Discord Meet up Hunter


Discord Komunitas Steemit Indonesia


Superb! What an amazing limo!!!! :)

Around some regional of Aceh to promoted steem by limo :D

Bagaimana jika kendaran tersebut membawa team Hunter ke Taiwan ya Bang @dilimunanzar?pasti Luar biasaa👍

Belum pakai amphibhi dan turbo ekstra kak, ha ha ha ha ha

sukses selalu untuk team Hunter Bang!😊

Sama sama.. Kak.. Sukses untuk kita semua

Hebat sekali curator saat menyetir mobil Limousine milik bang @dilimunanzar.
Tulisan yang sangat bagus.

Ha ha ha ha.. @syehlah terimakasih sudah hadir kembali, semalam tidak kelihatan ada apa gerangan syeh?

Ngeeri steemian fellowku. Groon!!

Semua kita ngeri ini bro.. Ha ha ha

Sukses selalu brother, Makin tua makin berprestasi. Saya sangat termotivasi :)

Semua kita semakin termotivasi bro :D

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