
Apparently you can't have signs without a permit. So no sign for me today!

Put it on your head and tell them it's a hat...

Didn't really matter, nobody showed... T.T

Ahhhhhh, I missed the memo!!! There aren't many reasons that will get me to enter the MOA. I think it's been years since I stepped foot in there. This opportunity would have been a strong enough motivation. Currently, I only know one Minneapolis based Steemian "in real life." I'll try my best to get him there if you host again.

How can I find out about future Minneapolis meet ups?

I'll post in the Minnesota tag next time, as well. Are you on the Minnows Support Project discord? I share it there, too.

I'll try again in a few months. Get some more people on here, first.

I don't know what discords are, yet. This is the second mention of one so I'll investigate...

It's a chat service like Skype. It was designed with gaming in mind, but it's since grown out of that into other areas because if how good it is.

Here's the link to the MSP discord server:

Create an account with the first link, then use the second to join.

I appreciate the info. I'll consider joining. The thought of yet another online communication "thing" seems overwhelming just now.

I know that feel...

The steemian meetup should be more of a thing. This is the first I've heard of it.

There's been quite a few all over the globe. The minnow support project discord has a channel for people organizing meetups. You should check and she if there are any in your area! Hopefully they're more successful than mine...

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