SY- Steemit science news correspondent Dr. @aggroed sits down with @ionlysaymeep for a contentious blogging interview covering HF19, the reward pool, and life

in #meep7 years ago (edited)

We're here with you live from our Studio in NYC. So glad you could join us today. We have on the show a new special guest with us. He's been making appearances all over the comments section of your posts it's blogger @ionlysaymeep. Thanks so much for being here.

ag- So, meep, Let's start when you were young. Any brothers or sisters?

meep- meep

ag- interesting. Now this is a bit of a fun performance art piece that you're doing on the blockchain. What inspired you?

meep- meep

ag- Ok, I should have seen that coming. We've recently had a new hard fork land. H19 titled "Equality." What do you think of it? Have you noticed any changes to your post value? Have you noticed any effect of the ~40% drop to the rewards pool since then?

meep- meep

ag- yes, I think we've all been experiencing it. How do you feel about a quadrupling of power of votes in the comment section? Do you feel that is whales commenting on other people's posts or simply upvoting themselves and raping the pool?

meep- meep

ag- woah, those that's a powerful understanding. Have you been following the news at all? What do you think of Trump and the Republicans going for healthcare?

meep- meep

ag- let's end this on a positive note. Recently, @acidyo made a pretty hillarious video where he turned himself into the hitler character in the Hitler learns he lost video whilst making an epic rant. Do you know anything that might top that?

meep- meep

ag- well, lastly, the Minnow Support Project and PALnet celebrated having more than 1600 members in the channel. Last night there were more in the room than any other Steemit based Discord groups out there. It was an exciting night. Were you able to partake?

meep- meep

Well, that's all the time we have now folks. Thanks for joining us for this rivetting interview.

(the contents within are a simultaneous mixture of fiction and non-fiction. This interview didn't actually take place, but you can imagine if it did what his answers may have been. Anyways, meep may or may not have consented to this. I did ask, but you can guess his answer....)


Meep really shows insight into HF19 that I never saw coming. Most interviewers struggle getting Meep to express his true thoughts, but it's like you guys have known eachother forever. Fascinating stuff.

I've had several conversations with him prior to this. He's my bro-meep.

Ha! 👏🏽

The filthiest mouth, can't believe even Steemit censors his filthy mouth. Great interview, it's another side of @ionlysaymeep that doesn't come across in his blog.

He's very introspective.

I could see how this was going to turn out LOL.

Muppet of few words, that Meepster, I like them!

The HF changes to voting power and rewards pool struggles is real.

Great interview. I've been looking forward to this!!

I just hope his walk can match his talk.

Yeah, he's swingin' hammers for sure.

How did you get an interview with @ionlysaymeep, Ive been trying for weeks, havent heard a meep.

This is definitely one of your better articles. His thoughts were clear and concise. I recommend bringing him back for a second interview.

yeah. he really worked out well.

Indeed. I'd like to learn how deep the "meep" rabbit hole goes!

Thank you for this interesting Meep interview, he seems intelligent beyond his years. Everyone should take a note from Meep.

Hell yes! Thanks for stopping by my comment section yesterday @ionlymeep. Truly was an honor!

The meep insights. I'm curious of who he/she/it is. Thanks for the interview @aggroed

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