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RE: #MeditationMarch ! A Daily Meditation for the Month of March Challenge! Wont you join me?

in #meditation6 years ago

Lovely initative! I'm up for the challenge. I actually started meditating again, a couple of days ago, so let's say the first of March. I found myself struggling to make it through 10 minutes.

Even though I've never been really good at it, I have tried before - I know 'trying' can be one of the problems - but I never managed to really make it a habit. I am way more mindful than I was in the past though as goes for grateful. I would love to make daily meditation a habit though.

Alright, I will hop into the discord channel too and - who knows - blog about my experiences. Let's keep each other motivated!

Un abrazo y unas rayas de sol desde España,



yes you're right its just like a muscle you have to practice with! Don't be so hard on yourself- 10 minutes is an awesome start!

funny you happened to start a few days ago at the beginning of the month too.. must be something in the air! make sure to share your posts on discord so I dont miss them <3

So excited to be doing this with you guys !

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