The Benefits of Meditation

in #meditation6 years ago

Sometimes, life can really get the best of you, and leaves you irritably frustrated. Sometimes you even find yourself angry for no legitimate reason. You spend time clouding your mind with unnecessary stress, adding more and more useless information to your brain file. This information is then stored like a garbage bin stored with garbage, and you have to dispose the junk before its full. Being overly stress or cluttered mind can cause a hostile environment, because your reaction is moved by your emotion. When your reaction is moved by your emotion, one bad experience can ruin your day, just as much as a complement can make your day. Its important to be able to control your emotion, to correct your reaction. They're steps to take to decrease stress level and cluttered mind, and this called....drum roll...ready for this.....MEDITATION!!!!
Here are some benefits of meditation:

  • Mood enhancer (reduces irritation and anger)
  • improves concentration and focus
  • positive outlook on life (appreciation)
  • Increases confidence
  • it brings to oneness, body mind and soul

First step to meditation is finding a comfortable place you can be alone with silence. This place can be your bathroom, your bedroom, your favorite park, by the water, under the tree. As long as you're comfortable and not distracted, your first step to uncluttered mind is complete. Meditation can be done at anytime, they're no wrong or right time to meditate. My favorite place of meditation are usually by the parks, somewhere close to waterfalls, streams, trees, basically anything to get me closer to nature, and connection with the creature.

Here are some great places to meditate:

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Meditation can take practice, but can definitely be done. After you have found your comfortable space, get in comfortable position, with your back straight,a position you can sit for a while without agitation.

Hear are examples of mediation posture:

images.jpg posture-miadal-3.jpg download (1).jpg

Next you want to focus on your breathing. The way I focus and control my breathing is to breath in life, and exhale negativeness. Breath in success and financial freedom, breath out poverty, pretend as if every time you exhale , you're exhaling the black smoke inside your head that clouds your mind, leaving you squeaky clean, and ready for the next challenges. As you do this daily, it will become easier to meditate, and you will reap all the benefits of meditation.

From personal experience, mediation have changed my life completely. Looking back and remembering times of frustration, today me would say "hey man, is that worth your anger, and frustration?", or "how's that going to make you feel after?". We are not perfect, but we can grow each day to becoming a better person, and reduce the already stressful day. By meditating each day or 3 times a week, can physically and mentally benefit you. It can change your mood, and build confidence. When your becoming one with yourself, this can create a whole new world to live in, one that will only brings more peace, and happiness to your mind.

Thank you
By ChefAllman Aka Motivational Monster

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