5 things to remember when your feeling empty!

in #meditation7 years ago (edited)

Everyone at some point feels empty. We all do it's a normal part of life yet some of us overcome this where as many remain exactly the same and cannot get rid of this emotion or feeling.!


Here are 5 things which can help you overcome this sad state!

1) Talking to Someone

This is one of the most important things we can do, we all feel empty but most of us hold it in too ourselves we never express our concerns to the people that love us. Yes sometimes specfic circumstances may make you feel like there's absolutely noone who can understand you, or telling your friends could lead to embarrassment because you can't completely trust them. However if that is the case then we can always speak to our doctor in order to get the help we need. Revealing what's on our mind helps take away the empty feeling as telling someone makes you realise your not alone. Holding it in only leads to it building up and you will never be able to satisfy yourself if your mind isn't strong enough, always share your problems with someone trustworthy. Get that shoulder to lean on we all need it sometimes.

2) Most people have felt what we feel!

Nearly everyone on this entire earth has had an affliction or circumstance which has lead them to feel empty and lonely inside. We are all together in this, noone is alone, we are all experiencing such trials too. One of the most common mistakes is when we mask our feelings and pretend that noone will be able to acknowledge what we are going through or even understand it, we need to embrace this empty feeling and can't doubt that someone out there can relate to us.


3) Feeling Empty Will Empower You

It's important to understand that when going through such tribulations that once we are done with it and have overcome it, we as people will develop. We will change and that's the genuine truth, people learn from mistakes we have to sometimes go through hardship to understand. A successful business man does not succeed from the get go and if he does he isn't successful, because he hasn't understood failure. The same way when we feel empty we need to draw the negative energy into something positive, we will overcome this we have the self belief and we will learn and mould into new species after it's all over.


4) Always help others!

I came across a few videos on YouTube quite recently and they were social experiments of people approaching and asking homeless guys to help them with lose change or some food. The reaction I witnessed from these guys was absolutely incredible, and it made me realise one very important thing. We need to care for one another, every life matters and every life is important. We need to believe that we are here for everyone. Noone should go through hardship and if they are we should be there to pull them out of it. Yes we might be going through problems of our own but helping others really allows you to help yourself, the advice we give others during hardships we know we can utilise in our own lives. Be a shoulder for people and a beacon of light it will change you!.

5) Have no friends!

This is one of the most important things to remember, now some of you might be reading this and thinking what on earth is this guy saying.

However it's true and extremely important, I'll explain why. Everyone has friends we all make them as we grow up and move on from school to highschool to college and then when completing our BSc Hons and so on. In the process we get extremely close to people and some we hold on to or keep in touch with. However during this time we lose a lot of friends or fall out with those we thought we would always be close with forever.

The main cause for this is friendship, people have misunderstood the meaning of it.. When we do favours for a friend we hold on to it and remember it until a time we need a favour repaid and most of the times these are the things that brake relationships.

The problem with this mentality is, is that it stops people from being close and truly love one another. It's just a favour for a favour there is no real friendship, but true friendship is not seeing your friends for years and not getting emotional about it resulting in a closer and more fruitful relationship.

We should treat each and every single person we meet with the exact same love as the person before. This is important because when a person leaves us they should feel like they are the one we love the most. If we do this we will never be betrayed or feel empty when a friend couldn't help us out in a hard time in our life, the world is your friend don't forget that, treat people equally and you won't feel empty and everyone person walking this Earth will be your friend.

Happy reading loved ones!

## **Share your thoughts?**



Thats really nice said as its really effects to everyone as we all feel enpty in any stage or anytime once. Its really tough time but somehow its pass and we will feel batter but in empty time this five things really effect more. Most effective things in this five is talk to anyone because due to it we feel more relax and also fell that somone with us.

Thank you for taking the time out to read, it's really important that we tackle this issue, we can never know what people are going through and behind a smile can be a empty and distraught heart.

We love everyone and need to keep the well-being of people as a high priority. Every human life is important.

I'm glad you found benefit from the blog.

Yes you are right we cant know that behind person of cute smile but while we are in wrost conditions then we will get to see their true color because most of people talk us unless they have benefits and as their benefits over they even not see in front of and i suffered this kind of condition that people literally use us.

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