Have what you want, through REPOSE.

in #meditation6 years ago (edited)


Have you ever listened to 2 songs or podcasts, at the same time?

Have you watched 3 or 4 movies, simultaneously?

As much as we love to get things done without delay,
it's not pleasurable or useful to half-listen to many things.

Try spreading yourself THICK.

Choose a channel, and really take it in.

The channel I choose is syndicated through breath and spirit.

I tuned in early this morning, and heard this great news:


Getting what you want is easy.

It's removing what you don't want, that can be hard.

Be decisive, brave, and say no to the unacceptable. Stand for yourself.

This reserves room for the better-than-acceptable.

Replace struggle, effort, and wiggling, WITH REPOSE.

What a glorious word, repose.


A lot of people seem to hold negative expectations,
and then reward themselves with RECEIPT
of those very same, very rehearsed, UNwanted things!

Some reward.

In these crazy times, it is revolutionary
to optimistically choose and embody, repose.

That choice flips your magnetism ON to its highest level...
and brings you into such calm steadiness,
that your righteous desire cannot help but find you.
And all the more quickly, at that!

Do you see the ironic efficiency?

While allowing your mind to be bathed in the peace of repose,
you are becoming a perfect match to your most repeated thoughts.

You receive flashes of inspired actions to take.
You are reminded of resources + core gifts
you could be joyfully using to help yourself, and others.

Ideas that are prompted by Life, are supported by Life. We experience this as synchronicity, flow, and "luck."

Worrying is not working. It is not fruitful.
It actually destroys (mind) fruit.

And chosen repose is not slacking. It is not unproductive.
It actually bolsters desired production.

Keep in mind that this process also surfaces
dissonance with what you no longer want.
You'd think that to be a good thing, and it is...
like ripping off an old band-aid is a good thing.
It still hurts, and explains a lot of the flux
that comes with actualization.

Matter is moving, and aligning itself
with whatever we are repeatedly thinking.
Repose gets, and keeps, those thoughts clear.

Brought to you by DefianceHouse.

(And also my personal feline Buddha, Boca. 😻)


It's true. I find that I can't listen to more than one thing at a time, but I tend to play card games while listening to videos on YouTube. There's something on the screen that goes with what I'm listening to, but my attention is held better by the games. Though sometimes I have to really focus on the next move, so miss what they're saying on the video right then.

This is the one sign I have in life that my mind isn't that settled. If it was, I could focus on just the video when I'm watching a video and just the cards when I'm playing cards.

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