The ultimate guide to Meditation

in #meditation7 years ago

Hello Steemians,


In my previous article I discussed the reasons why people should to start meditating, the question that was left unanswered was how to ? Today we are going to explore this.

Some people are blessed by the god of will power, they decide something and the next day they are making it happen ... I hate those people because I am oh so jealous of them. Other people like me struggle to establish any sort of new habit or behaviour, for those people please do not dispair, this article is for you.

I managed my life for so many years by trying out things without committing, that is until I discovered belly dancing, then my life changed because it made me change. One day while I was browsing Youtube for belly dance videos I came across a video from dancer Zoe Jakes and she had those words about having a regular belly dance practice "you have to treat it like a job ... you show up for work unless you have a horrible cold, ... family member is really ill ...". This advice really stick with me because it was so simple yet powerful, so if you want to start having a meditation practice that is regular treat it like a job and don't skip on it just because you don't feel like it on that specific day.

But don't treat it like a job you hate, commit to having a regular meditating practice, that is personal, enjoyable and really positive.

Let's lean into it.

Well ahead of the practice :

The idea is to make it a ritual, it needs to be relaxing, beautiful and have this feel like home vibe. You need to associate meditating with something positive.

  • Have a dedicated meditation space :
    You can find inspiration on Pinterest or Instagram and it can include anything that you like : a small table, carpet, artwork, pillows, crystals, singing bowls. Make it your own and don't think you need a lot of space because you don't.

  • Established in advance dedicated days and time that you will meditate
    We talk about making it a job, well no one works just when they feel like it or when they have time, usually it's predefined time contractually. For your meditation practice it will be the same so decide in advance ( not 5 minutes before) when you will practice this week, then put an alarm to remind you of it.
    When the alarm goes off there is no bailing out, you have to stick to it.

Right Before you start


Alright, so the alarm went off now what ?
Again the idea is to make it a positive experience, to make it a ritual that you enjoy doing, to prepare your mind for what is next.

  • Awaken your senses : Smell and Sound
    Burn some incense, use an essential oil burner or humidifier, burn sage or palo santo if you prefer those. But make it smell nice.

Put some meditating music on, I recommend 432hz music which is ideal for meditation (you can find some on Youtube very easily), use your singing bowls, the sound and it's vibration always helps me relax.

  • Turn off your phone:
    It's not always possible but try to block your calls, it happened to me so many times that I can coun
    t but people always wait that you are deep meditation to share their thoughts.

Starting your session

Guided meditation and meditative music
I really enjoy guided meditation, they are a quick and easy way to start your journey, and when using those at first I could always deeply relax.
Once you become more regular and got a few successful session you can explore on your own, you can start with 432 hz music or else.

Use tools:
I like to hold a crystal each time I meditate to focus on area of my life I want to see improvement in, other use mantras for similar reasons.

Focus on your breath:
The first time I meditated successfully I focused on my breath, trying to visualise the air coming in and out for me it was with colours but I guess it's different for everyone. Also control your breath ( inhale for 4 seconds, lock your breath for 2 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds).

Those are all my tips. Did I forget anything ? Please leave a comment below

Thanks, be happy.



Love this thanks so much. I totally agree a hi pit setting up the space for meditaion and I like to make mine quiet ritualistic sometimes. Meditation has really changed my life and happy to see anyone post on how to and the amazing effects of meditation xx

For me meditating is the base of self-care. Knowing yourself is so important. But also it just help you improve on so many other area.

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