21st Century Snake Oil: Psychotropic Drugs- The Real Epidemic

in #medicine7 years ago

Courtesy: Pinterest

The mainstream media and government have both been devoting a lot of attention to the opioid crisis- either real or imaginary- I smell hyperbole. I have to take them but do so responsibly, so naturally I have to pay for the irresponsibility of others- I also suffer little or no adverse effects. It's also difficult for me to believe that doctors are prescribing lethal doses, causing people to "drop like files," asd the MSM proclaims. I believe they could go a long way toward solving the problem by removing Fentanyl (50X stronger than heroin) and Carfentanil (1000X heroin) from the market except for use in hospitals and hospices. However, there's another equally troubling epidemic- this one treating maladys that are largely imaginary- "mental illness." I'm not saying that there's no such thing as depression (one of the most widely treated)- but much of it, I believe, is situational rather than clinical.

I'm also not going to argue the legitimacy of psychiatry, except to say that the focus has shifted away from psychotherapy to treating "chemical imbalances." As there are no tests for these imbalances- as there are for say, cancer or diabetes- how can they discern exactly which chemicals they need to replace? Moreover, these "imbalances" are treated with chemicals that do not exist in nature- so how is it that these imbalances are being corrected? The real imbalances being corrected, I believe, are in the profit margins of large pharmaceutical companies, as we shall see.

Most of my Steemit friends know that I take care of my former boss who suffers from "depression" and "bi-polar disorder." I use quotations because he actually suffers from neither in a clinical sense. A brief historical overview will show the real problem- over medication. After living a life of privilege, never accomplishing anything, other than inheriting money and real estate, he developed Graves disease, a thyroid condition. After radiation treatment he lost a lot of weight and, being an egocentric individual (he studied film in college in hopes of acting or directing) he was unhappy with his appearance. Instead of dealing with the weight loss, he got "depressed."

Now, 15 years later, he's on a cocktail of psychotropic drugs that includes Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Xanax, Valium, Gabapentin, Latuda and four or five others. Basically, the guy's a zombie- and I seriously doubt that his is an isolated case... if he was, Big Pharma wouldn't be making money hand over fist. Having known him for around 20 years and lived in his house for 3 has given me a unique opportunity to observe his decline.

Having said that he's led a privileged life and is overly concerned with his appearance is not to say that he's without any redeeming qualities. He was a very intelligent man and able to converse on a wide variety of topics... was. Now, he's incontinent, he shakes constantly, he can barely walk and even worse- he makes one terrible decision after another, particularly when it comes to driving. He wrecked four cars in one month, totaling two. He understands that something's wrong, but he doesn't know what... he's lost inside of himself. I keep trying to tell him it's the drugs but he resists that because they make him "feel good."

That's what the whole snake oil scam is built around... feeling good. If you look at the amount of money spent in America a year on feeling good, the amount is staggering. The entertainment industry is built on feeling good... pro sports, movies, porn, and now the pharmaceutical industry, along with psychiatrists, have joined the team. Psychiatry alone grosses $12 billion a year... it's all a part of the same game and the name isn't medicine, it's marketing.

Big Pharma markets mental illness- if you listen to the advertising, there's simply no excuse for feeling bad... there's a pill for that! Every human emotion is a symptom of a disorder. This "feeling good," however, comes with a very heavy price tag- one much more costly than just the medicine. Which is not at all to say that the medicine itself isn't expensive- Latuda, for example- one of the more regularly prescribed "treatments" for bi-polar disorder- goes for around $1200-$1500 a month... all to treat an imaginary illness. Everything is a syndrome or disorder. The DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) has jumped from 135 pages in 1952 to almost 900. These disease mongers- the new snake oil salesmen- spend all day long creating disorders- so Big Pharma can come up with a medication to treat them... and it's all marketing, based on bogus science backed by phony studies. It's propaganda at its best... Edward Bernays would be so proud.

The problem is that my friend and millions like him a paying a very heavy price for the massive profits enjoyed by the snake oil salesman and manufacturers. Bi-polar disorder is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder and, according to the "experts" we ALL suffer from it... after all, who doesn't feel up sometimes and down at others? I wonder if the fact that the treatment is one of the most expensive on the market has any relationship to the frequency with which it's diagnosed... I'm probably just paranoid- hey, I'll bet there's a pill for that!

They manufacture symptoms for maladies that don't even exist and if sales of one product goes down- they just change the name and color and prescribe it for something else. This is a crime against humanity. It's almost more humane to shoot people outright than to package hope in a pill and turn otherwise healthy people into vegetables- sentencing them to a living hell.

This video does a lot better job than I can in addressing the problem. What got me in a huff in the first place is that my friend just spent another night in jail for a DUI for trying to drive- 5 days after getting his license back from the last one... Or maybe it's just my PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) acting up again... But don't worry- they have a pill for that too!


Well psychotropic drugs are'nt the only snake oil business in health industry. The business of medicine is a lot more infested with dollar-greed than one would imagine.

Yes... There's a really good video by the Corbett Report called Rockefeller Medicine where he traces the history of homeopathic to allopathic medicines as a way for Standard oil to get rid of toxins from the oil industry.

It's sickening (well, of course!) that they prey on people's loneliness and insecurities - because that's what they do. They eat up their patients' fear and use it to their terribly costly advantage. It's so easy to explain it all with a diagnosis, oh I have X syndrome...People just refuse to take responsibility for who they are or how they are.
As you say, we all have happy moments and not so happy moments and I guess many people chicken out of the bad feelings. It's so easy to just take a pill and get happy (though not too happy).
It's much harder to face whatever's causing your misery.
I think the patients play a big part in this, as well. They choose to pop the pill (up to a point, of course, after which it becomes habit).

And that's it in a nutshell! People would rather pop a pill and avoid their problems than face them and change their behavior... He says he wants the "old him" back, but he doesn't remember who it is!

And the sad truth is he probably doesn't want him old self back, not really...Because it's that very self he resorted to pills to avoid, so...Who's to say that if he did have that old self back, he wouldn't just go back to taking pills eventually?

I just wish he could take care of himself- I want to get the hell out of here!!!

I was actually wondering why you take care of him if you don't like it, but I thought it'd be rude to ask...:D
Well, at least you see something, I mean his situation is an example, a lesson...I suppose there's something to be learned from anything.

He wasn't always like this... He's a friend (at least he was before he became a turnip). I never bail on a friend that needs help- I guess out of a sense of obligation. Also, when I got sick a few years ago and lost my home, he took me in.

I think that's very sweet of you, I don't know how many people would have that strength. You see so many bail on their own flesh and blood when things get tough, to do that for a friend is very touching...
But I already knew you were a great soul, so..:D

Speaking of flesh and blood... If I leave his brother will stick him in a home! His niece and sister in law already told him to "hurry up and die so we can have your stuff." Nice people huh???

all mass shootings, (except for those ideologically motivated -Islam- and some of those too) are by individuals who are on or have recently been on those types of drugs.

I read something about that...Columbine for one. Those boys both had recently stopped taking psychotropics. Also the guy at the Aurora theater and a couple more I can't remember off hand. Apparently there's a big downside to stopping without professional assistance.

big downside...period.
no upside that booze wouldn't do just as well
or pot.

Everything in this world goes back to money which goes back to power and greed. If they can sell you snake oil they will. If they can sell you impure products for a sweet profit they will. They care not about your well being. You must protect yourself because they will not. They have no interest or motivation to do so. They are not driven by integrity or honesty. They do not wear garments of pure intentions. They only wear stained cloths of selfishness and sinful corruption. Thanks.

And now they're forcing it on kids... This really is a crime against humanity! The Lord will exact a heavy price when they stand in His presence to give account!

I'm a bit conflicted by this. On the one hand, it's been proven that antidepressants are effective for people with moderate to severe depression. On the other, how the hell do you measure that? What separates depression from good ol' apathy and overall boredom with life? Also, what are the long term consequences of depending on these meds?

That said, I find this ad pretty funny (in a dark way).

The video talks at length at long term effects... they're devastating and if you quit them, psychosis sets in like with the kids at Columbine!

You can't trust anyone! These companies are the real psychos. Their CEO's and shareholders should take some of these drugs themselves.

I couldn't agree more... The love of money is indeed the root of all evil. Look what people will do to one another to make a buck!

So true! We are losing our humanity for money which on its own has no meaning.

You explain the obvious and not so obvious problems.
Yes I big phama in conjuction with physciatry have ruined countless lives, have you looked in the Cannabis as a remedy for this man...or is it not feasible ...legal wise..

I hope you and this man find fine away through the pain.
A fine share

Actually it makes him worse... It seems to compound his cognitive dysfunction.

Wow, interesting...there is a study somewhere, that certain pharacuticals can damage the nervous system so much that it even damages the Eno-cannabinoid system receptors, This is in no way advice, But I have seen people talk about the power of Distilled water as a cleanser of toxins in a gentle way, I have my own one gallon distiller, been drinking it for 3 years, will not drink anything else.

We have one too ( a distiller) From what I can observe from my friend's behavior, these drugs seem to have a multiplier effect on the cannabis... they seem to make the effects really profound. He can't sleep if he smokes. The effects of the pills seem less potent id he doesn't use them in conjunction with pot.

I understand, I guess this is where just your presence is the medicine for your friend, it sounds like the time and energy you give, is a great gift to this man.

I'm at the end of my rope. I don't know how much more I can take- I try to work doing research and writing. I get up at 3 AM and by 4-5 in the afternoon I'm beat. I'm 72 and can't keep babysitting a 66 year old guy that keeps poisoning himself. I'm about to have his brother put him in a home!

Dear, it sounds like your at that decision point right now. .if you can't take care of yourself and him, it seems the way has been shown.

Too bad there isn’t some sort of rehab for people like this to get off pharmaceuticals. One that uses holistic mental and physical healing methods. And one that is affordable. Maybe someone here on steemit could start it and raise funds here for those who can’t afford it. Either I guess they have to want it.

He has great insurance... He hasn't figured out that's what is wrong!

Another possible mechanism of action is that gabapentin halts the formation of new synapses.

It stops your brain's ability to form new connections, so that as the old ones fade there are no new ones.

That stuff is death on the instalment plan.

Well, at this point for his sake, the quicker the better. I hate to say that but it sucks trying to watch him turn into a turnip. He can't even carry a conversation... my dog at least looks like he's following it!

Sucks,...what are your long term plans?

To make it until tomorrow... I'm 72, I don't make long term plans!

Ah, lol, I guess not.
I was just concerned with what happens when he leaves you, I'm a planner.

I'll do what I normally do... were not fags, he isn't anything more than a friend.

Well, I was thinking more along the lines of housing, you had mentioned that it was his house?

I'll just rent one, or maybe move in with my ex-wife- she could use the help.

Great post Rich. I know someone who over the past 15-20 years has gone from an engaging, active, energetic and seemingly intelligent person who now spends 8+ hours a day sat on their ass watching Netflix series while taking various prescription medications to control their anxiety and other ailments that have come from her sedentary lifestyle. It's really sad to see. Every time she goes to the doctor due to the side effects she is experiencing from the last drug they prescribed they just prescribe some other psychotropic drug with different side effects and so the cycle continues. Another dependent, dumbed down citizen doing absolutely nothing for themselves or society and there are thousands more like it in the UK and the world. All part of the plan as far as I can see.

Up until you said she, I thought you knew my friend! That's what he does- watched Netflix series (sometimes for 24-48 hours straight). The plan is right!!! Nothing like a having a docile herd to manage (unless it's a docile herd that pays you to manage them!)

Certainly puts binge-watching in a different light....

Doesn't it??

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