Asucre Hogweed - Mookirattai Keerai - Punarnava - Boerhavia Diffusa - Red Spiderling - Tarvine

in #medicine7 years ago


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It is rightly called punarnava as it brings back lost vigor and vitality. This is a miracle herb that we should all get to know as it has wonderful health benefits and medicinal uses. It's botanical name is Boerhavia Diffusa. The amount of diseases that this single herb can cure is really surprising. It is diuretic and helps get rid of excess fluids and urinary stones. Since it helps in blood purifier; it treats many diseases from skin allergies to constipation. Nowadays the word detox is getting very famous, but I can confidently say that punarnava plant is a real detox plant that removes all the toxins from the body very effectively. This plant offer longevity. One can also retain his or her youth having this herb regularly.

It has the following wonderful benefits:

  1. FOR KIDNEY AND LIVER DISORDERS: This plant is especially useful for treating all the disorders of the kidneys as it reduces the urea levels in the body very effectively. Take the decoction with the whole plant. Even people with worst condition will find their condition improving. This decoction can be consumed safely even while taking medications for kidney problems. It also acts as a liver tonic and can be used to treat all the disorders of the liver.

PUNARNAVA DECOCTION - It is said to be one of the best at home remedy for kidney patients, in fact if you ask elderly people in South India about the use of punarnava, the first use they will mention is the effect it has on kidneys. Even people who are suffering from kidney disorders for a long time will find good improvement if they take this decoction daily. The dosage is about 3 tbsp morning and evening. Continue drinking it till you see good results. To make the decoction, first pound the roots in a mortar and pestle, especially if the root is thick and mature roots offers the most health benefits. Make sure to bruise it using a mortar and pestle and then add it to a cup of water and boil till it reduces in half, strain and the decoction is ready. This also is an amazing liver tonic and it is also one of the best home remedy for edema. If boiled along with a little bit of bruised peppercorns, it gives good relief from chest congestion and cough.

  1. FOR EYES: Regular consumption helps treat all the disorders of the eyes like night blindness, glaucoma and persistent irritation in the eyes. Even people suffering from gradually reducing vision will benefit from taking punarnava regularly. You can either take the root decoction or the dried root powder mixed with jaggery daily.

  2. FOR CONSTIPATION: Regular consumption of punarnava also treats constipation as it is a mild laxative and it also treats anemia as it is rich in iron.

  3. FOR SKIN: Start including it in the diet at least weekly once. The best way to cook it is to add it along with lentils and also try making the drinking water out of the root and consume it as often as you can. Regular use of this herb is said to give a natural glow and youthfulness to the skin as it purifies the blood. The punarnava root water also can be used for treating skin allergies like itching, rashes, etc.

  4. FOR EDEMA: Punarnava is excellent for treating edema as it is a very good diuretic, try taking it in either one of the ways mentioned below till you get good relief. Punarnava also is said to prevent cancer and urinary tract infection with regular use.

Note: This herb is best avoided by pregnant women. For chronic ailments you can contact a Siddha Medical Practitioner to get the correct form of dosage and cure.

Hogweed - Mookirattai Keerai - Punarnava is easily available at Asucre Pure Herbals in powder, capsule and tablet form. Do let us know your requirements so we can send you our offer for the same.

Legal Disclaimer: All the products are for personal use and not for resale. The product description has not been evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

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