The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana Are Astonishing

in #medicine6 years ago


This optimistic claim was made by Dr. Bonni Goldstein. I’ve known for a while that cannabis can help cancer patients with thier anxiety and appetite, but I had no idea that it can actually help fight the disease. That is wonderful news.

The stigma of medical marijuana is now gone and that is great news for anyone who needs help. New benefits of cannabis are being discovered all the time.

I actually found the quote in the image from reading People magazine of all places.


I knew this plant is very medicinal but most people have abuse it so much that it has been band in my country Cameroon.

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Hopefully it will soon be legal again in Cameroon. It used to also be not allowed in my country Canada, but recently was allowed.

Yes, I've heard this for years. And a few years ago I was friends with this person who smoked like a freight train. Coughed a lot to the point I thought he was going to cough up a lobe. He told me he had lung cancer, yet my friend continued to smoke....a lot!

I've smoked cannabis for many years and I do have a cough, but it's nothing like this person who has smoked for 40 years or more.

I'd think since I've imbibed so much over the years, my lungs would be pretty shot, but has trouble and gets winded walking up my flight of stairs. I do, but not nearly as much.

So, I believe there is a testament to someone who smoked cigarettes in the past, and smoked weed for many years compared to someone who didn't smoke weed and smoked a boatload of cigarettes for at least as many years compared to my smoking.

It would make perfect sense why the medical industrial complex as well as the law enforcement lobby would want to keep this illegal. It cuts in to profits too much.

Cancer is big business and I doubt they'd want a cure that's a natural plant since they profit so much off chemotherapy and radiation that really just slow-kills someone and may work but it probably won't and makes the patient sick and lose their hair and dignity with the time they have left.

I've seen two relatives go through chemo and become sicker than when they went in, and both died quickly after receiving "treatment". It breaks down their immune systems and they die from other infections. Kind of reminds me of how AIDS patients die.

THIS is our Medical System in the West. We need to look to natural remedies. Anyone who sways you against natural medicine and says Western Medicine is the only way....RUN!

Thanks for sharing all of that information my friend. You have lots of wisdom. I’m sad to hear about your relatives. It’s so frustrating that money is made off of dying and sick people. I think (hope) that the tide is turning towards natural cures.

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