Bezoar: Harry Potter's Magic Stone in The Real World

in #medicine7 years ago (edited)

Wizards, magic creatures, strange spells and potions. Undoubtedly, the magical world created by JK Rowling is awesome and unique. But, like many other writers, in many cases she drew inspiration from already existing tales and legends. That's why, sometimes, we can find the magic items from our favorite fictional world in real life.

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In the first part of the Saga about the boy who survived (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone), Professor Snape tells about the unique stone- Bezoar, which is able to neutralize almost any poison created by evil wizards. This is a very rare stone, that is used in small doses in various healing potions.

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In the sixth part (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) Ron drank poisoned Mead in the classroom of the new potions Professor Horace Slughorn. The Professor was confused, but Harry remembered about magic stone Bezoar and forced Ron to eat it.



If at that moment next to them were Hermione, I think she could tell how much such a stone cost in the Muggle world. And it is possible that we could see a mercantile side of Harry Potter, and said goodbye to Ron.

Bezoar really exists in our world. It is a dense stone consisting of hair and fibers of plants, which is formed mainly in the stomach of ruminants.

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Herd of animals passing by the bushes leave their hair/fur/wool on it. The following animals often eat these plants along with wool. Thus, in their stomach can form undigested wad of hair, wool and seeds, which will only grow and thicken.

Since ancient times, different peoples of the world ascribe Bezoar unique healing properties. It is able neutralize not only poisons, but also to heal almost any disease. In the past this stone was used as a potent (and very rare and expensive) medication. Although modern science disproves any usefulness of it, traditional Eastern medicine believes differently.

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Chinese healers called Bezoars - pig's treasure, and believe that products made from bezoar can remove toxins from the body, which makes it a rare and valuable substance.

How valuable? Well, Ron would rather die and give the money to his poor family.

A few days ago, the farmer from China found a huge hairy stone in the stomach of the killed pig. Initially, he did not attach importance to the finding, but relatives suggested that he should take this stone for examination.

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Interesting fact: Bezoar found in the stomach of the animal is considered useless and cost nothing. Magical properties have only the stones formed in the gallbladder.

The farmer was lucky, he found a stone in the gallbladder, and its final cost amounted to ¥ 4.000.000, or $605.000!

I ate my new house...

So, the ordinary pig made her owner fantastically rich (truly Fantastic Beast). The modest farmer is ready to sell Bezoar for only $150.000. Think about it, it might be a profitable investment ;)

sources: Man who found a pig’s gallstone, Harrypotter.wikia, Bezoar, Medialeaks images from Google Search.

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A great way to tell us about this stone... the Eastern cultures have many herbal and natural concoctions to aid what needs fixing.

In fact an ancient Military and Martial text called the Bubishi has a great compendium of these plants included, for problems that plagued the soldiers from Dysentery to open wounds.


Some of them even work.

Wow, thanks for this additional information! I wanted to explore the issue deeper.

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