Light pollution causes cancer and aging translite @Stepanov

in #medicine7 years ago

 Cancer incidence record in the big cities of developed countries, but scientists could not describe the mechanism of the influence of environmental factors on carcinogenesis. In 1990, it was first expressed, the hypothesis "light pollution", and today it is one of the environmental factors in cities with a proven role in the pathogenesis of cancer. 

 With the advent of artificial lighting and human activity ceased to depend on circadian rhythms of the planet. However, caused by this factor in the violations of sleep and nutrition cause unpredictable health effects. As the Sun controls our body, why artificial lighting, disturbance of sleep and nutrition cause cancer and premature aging - this is my story today.The origin of biorhythms
to assess whether the biorhythms of important person, mentally, back to our unicellular ancestors, having a light-sensitive spot through which the Sun ruled their life. For example, light-sensitive "eye" the simplest algae Euglena red in response to light activates the flagellum, which begins to paddle to the surface for a more active photosynthesis. To cut harmful DNA ultraviolet light, Euglena synthesizes pigment, therefore, its excessive multiplication in Sunny days, the pond color red.So here are the photos on the Internet - the result of reproduction of these microorganisms, and not the consequences of the massacre flayers over the whales: 

 By reducing the light the light spot begins to synthesize euglenophytes, which causes a redistribution of the red pigment in the interior of the cell, and unicellular body repainted in the green color of chlorophyll. This increases the sensitivity of chloroplasts and the organisms continue photosynthesis even in the shade. 

 Night Euglena passively settles to the bottom, where it switches from photosynthesis to food organics. Synthesis euglenophyceae reaches a maximum, and, standing out in the environment, it poisons the surrounding organisms which serve as food for the Euglena by night. Thus, euglenophytes can be considered a prototype of hormones that define modern animals have a predominance of catabolism of organic substances in the night and a predominance of anabolism day.Vital to the survival compound as analogues preserved by the evolutionary more advanced organisms. In multicellular euglenophytes mutated in the hormone melatonin - it will be the story further. Melatonin is synthesized not only in a photosensitive eye are multicellular, but all the exterior cells of the body, continues to be responsible for their pigmentation to protect the body from ultraviolet radiation. The number of photosensitive eyespots increased, and some of them evolved in the organs of vision.However, many vertebrates with well-developed visual apparatus is preserved and the "eye" in the form of a parietal eye, it provided a link circadian rhythms to hormonal system. Modern reptiles and amphibians, the parietal eye is still present along with the regular eyes 

 During the evolution of vertebrates of the new structure of the brain was surrounded by older portions - similar to Kachan cabbage, new leaves which cover older. Therefore, the parietal eye was immersed in the cavity of the skull and turned into the pineal gland, which in humans is located in the center of the brain and has no light sensitivity. Information about light comes to him from the retina via the optic nerve. 

 The mechanism of the effect of nutrition on biorhythms
in addition in the human body up to 30% of the total melatonin is synthesized even in the intestines. Why is it so happened that the same hormone is synthesized in the CNS and in the gut? To optimize the power of our multi-celled ancestors part of the surface of the body as a result of vpachivani formed the primary mouth (blastopora), which was simultaneously perform the functions of absorption and excretion of waste. In a confined space digestion was much more effective absorption of substrates the whole surface of the body.Therefore, the surface part of the melatonin-synthesizing cells were inside the body where it formed the walls of the prototype of the future intestine. 

 These cells still preserved in our intestines, where they continue to synthesize melatonin in the dark, regardless of ambient light. However, the concentration of melatonin in the intestine is also subject to daily rhythms, its maximum synthesis during sleep on an empty stomach and stops after eating during wakefulness.So we have established that the ingress of light into the eye and food intake determine the daily periodicity of the synthesis of melatonin in the body. However, what is the physiological role of this hormone is and how its daily activity is associated with premature aging and the development of cancer?Melatonin switches the catabolism-anabolism
in the Evening, as soon as you closed your eyes and fell asleep, and dinner was evacuated from the stomach into the intestine, the synthesis of melatonin reaches its maximum. In intestines melatonin reduces peristalsis and secretion of enzymes, slowing down digestion and the flow of substrates in the blood. From the pineal gland, melatonin enters the pituitary gland, where it inhibits the synthesis of hormones trigger the entire endocrine system of the body. Through the digestive and endocrine systems, as well as directly on the cells, melatonin slows anabolism and stimulates catabolism, inhibits cell division.Old and damaged cells undergo apoptosis (programmed death), and intercellular substance undergoes autophagy (samopouzdanje).Additionally, melatonin increases the activity of lymphocytes-killers, one of the tasks which the recognition and destruction of tumor cells. Thus during sleep, catabolic processes predominate with a primary decay of the old and the modified cells and tissues and their regeneration is inhibited.Waking up in the morning you first pick up the phone to see the time and turn the alarm off. Even this short glance at the display is enoughto activate the ganglion cells of the eye, which is located in the most anterior layer of the retina. This arrangement provides maximum sensitivity, much higher than that of the visual rods and cones, which are located at the "bottom" of the retina: 

 The signal from the ganglion cells through the optic nerve enters the hypothalamus. As a result, blocked the signals from the hypothalamus to the pineal gland which ceases to synthesize melatonin. 

 Synthesis of melatonin also reduced in the gut with the first meal at Breakfast - increases peristalsis and digestion, and substrates begin to enter the bloodstream. The decrease in melatonin concentration unblocks the synthesis of hormones in the pituitary gland that trigger the entire endocrine system. Anabolism predominates over catabolism, cell division predominates over their apoptosis, and autophagy intercellular substance is replaced by regeneration. All in accordance with the fact, as it occurs in the Euglena red, with the participation of euglenophyceae, only on a much larger scale.Thus melatonin acts as a kind of pendulum - the night recycles the old and the tumor cells, and then reduce its concentration by day - starts update of the tissues. The simultaneous occurrence of these processes is impossible due to their biochemical antagonism, therefore, melatonin distribute them on time synchronizing literally by the Sun. High amplitude of the "pendulum" provides the balance of degradation processes of old fabrics in the night and the regeneration of a new day that provides us the youth, vigor and health in youth.The synthesis of melatonin decreases with age,
these observations researchers interested in the study of a lifetime. It was found that the maximum amplitude of melatonin in children, but since puberty multiples are reduced: 

 The decrease in the amplitude of melatonin concentration with age creates preconditions for excessive degradation, and excessive tissue regeneration. Thus, if in slowly regenerating tissues will be dominated by the degradation and aging (nervous system, heart, muscle, bone), in the rapidly regenerating tissues of the same organism will dominate their malignant growth (cancer of the skin and blood, autoimmune diseases). So with age at the same time progressing the aging process and increases the risk of developing cancer.The reason for the decline in circadian amplitude of the melatonin synthesis - calcification of the pineal gland, which is observed with the onset of puberty. The intensity of calcification of the pineal gland increases with excessive fluctuations in the concentration of calcium in the blood. In turn the metabolism of calcium is regulated by hormones (para)thyroid glands, whose activity as the activity of the whole endocrine system, synchronized with the day after ..melatonin. There is a vicious circle that is caused by our main vices - violation of the sleep mode and power. 

 Thus, the morphological basis for the aging process and cancer development has been 25 years. It's OK if you consider that our ancestors in the stone age rarely live to this age. Modern man is widely crossed meted out to him by nature of an age threshold, however, life expectancy is growing at the expense of the old age period, which is discouraging. So I want to live longer, but to grow decrepit and hard to be sick in front of children and grandchildren really do not want. 

 The impact of disorders of sleep and nutrition on the aging process and the incidence of cancer is repeatedly demonstrated in studies on animals and humans. For example, laboratory micewhich were kept under continuous light, 5 times more likely to develop cancer than mice contained in light 12 hours a day. Additionally, the aging process was previously observed in the first, and their life expectancy is 5% shorter than the second. In another experiment, rats with a diet lived 30% shorter lives than their sisters with limited access to food. 35 years ago wasdependence low night-time melatonin concentration in women with poor prognosis breast cancer. The researchers noticed that half of the patients with a poor prognosis have active night life because of shift work. Today this pattern is definitively proven in international studies [1, 2, 3]. A similar pattern is demonstrated in studies of prostate cancer in men night shift work. Based on the results of the study, the International Agency for research on cancerincluded violations of the circadian rhythm in the list of carcinogens.Summarizing the above we can draw the following conclusions:
1. Dine no later than 4 hours before bedtime do not overeat at night;
2. Sleep in complete darkness. Use in the bedroom blackout curtains "blackout";
3. Avoid shift work at night. If this is not possible (doctors, stewards, conductors, police, bartenders and waiters) - read my recommendations on. 

 Frankly, that for years have to work at night and understand how serious the injury is liable to such life it is doubly unpleasant thought for the teacher every day with the patients of the cancer center. With age, shift, night work is harder, after each duty recovery takes a couple of days. In addition to increasing the risk of developing cancer, the stress accelerates aging. There is a dilemma - how to continue to benefit others, not yourself ditching?Application of preparations of melatonin
In this way are encouraged by the positive results of application of melatonin in the prevention and treatment of cancer and slowing the signs of aging. Taking melatonin supplements shorten the duration of falling asleep, increases the duration and quality of sleep [1, 2, 3]. In this case there is no addiction to the drug because of the lack of negative feedback in the pineal gland because melatonin does not reduce the synthesis of its own hormone. 

 I tested myself on this drug melatonin and want to talk about their subjective feelings. Taken during a night shift and again before bed after night. This scheme ensures the preservation of the usual biorhythm in the absence of power at night. Of course, fatigue after a night shift is present (I work more in the next day shift), but now the drowsiness does not bother till the evening. The quality of the sleep has not changed since fall asleep and sleep basically good.Given all the above and my own experiences, I recommend to take melatonin to everyone who occasionally works the night shift, and flies across multiple time zones. This will keep the usual jet lag or settle after the flight.Read also my other advice on taking vitamins and probiotics, as well as for the prevention of dental caries

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The article has been translated specially for steemit


Great article. The AMA report from last year is a good read also. If you want to look at health risks, do some research on glare from blue rich white street lights. Sooner or later a lawyer is going to make the connection that some accidents are caused by blinding street lights and disability glare.

This sounds more like correlation than causation. Light at night is associated with developed areas and the carcinogenesis rate could be caused by any number of 'diseases of civilization' or even how those factors combine.

I will look into melatonin and research more , thank you for your guidance

And thank you for reading my posts

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