A Must-read Study on Vaccine Safety.

in #medicine7 years ago (edited)


The study which follows (see link below) was brought to my attention recently by a friend. It is clear that much more research--and rigorous research--is needed in this area.

The study compares the overall health of a pool of homeschooled children--some vaccinated, some partially vaccinated, and others fully unvaccinated--to determine if vaccination status is connected with any overall trends in individual health in these children. The presence in these children of conditions such as chickenpox, allergic rhinitis, and neurodevelopmental disorders (such as autism spectrum disorder) are examined.


"The vaccinated were less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDD. [neurodevelopmental disorders]"

(emphasis mine)

...the U.S. is experiencing what has been described as a “silent pandemic” of mostly subclinical developmental neurotoxicity, in which about 15% of children suffer from a learning disability, sensory deficits, and developmental delays [27,28]

Although short-term immunologic and safety testing is performed on vaccines prior to their approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the long-term effects of individual vaccines and of the vaccination program itself remain unknown [8].

(emphasis mine)

The safe levels and long- term effects of vaccine ingredients such as adjuvants and preservatives are also unknown [13].

(emphasis mine)


Under the currently recommended pediatric vaccination schedule [7], U.S. children receive up to 48 doses of vaccines for 14 diseases from birth to age six years, a figure that has steadily increased since the 1950s, most notably since the Vaccines for Children program was created in 1994. The Vaccines for Children program began with vaccines targeting nine diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b disease, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella. Between 1995 and 2013, new vaccines against five other diseases were added for children age 6 and under: varicella, hepatitis A, pneumococcal disease.

We are injecting children with cocktails of chemicals in combinations which have never undergone testing for inter alia, or potentially harmful drug interactions.

This is a peer-reviewed medical study which is implicitly pro-vaccine.

The study calls for greater examination of reports of vaccine injury to the VAERS database, which are largely ignored by doctors. However, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out 3.2 Billion dollars in vaccine injury compensation since its creation in 1986. This is a Federal Government program (vaccine makers themselves cannot be sued).

Here's the study. I wanted to burn it into the blockchain. Please read it.




Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


You've posted an unusually level-headed suggestion; i.e. Do more Studies.

You also point out what most pharmaceutical companies (and their shills) ignore, namely the "cocktails" of vaccines parents are being forced to accept. Many companies have simply stopped providing the individual vaccines and only the "cocktails" are available.

It then allows them to brand concerned parents, who would opt, if given the chance, to have individual vaccinations over a longer period, as "anti-vaccers".

Divide and rule.

I hope you're prepared for that inevitable attacks headed your way.

But keep up the good work.

Thanks for the great comment. Ah, the attacks are nothing new. Thank you, though. They're only going to increase, I'm afraid. Feels like this is my battle, though, so...
So be it.

Definitely not, and that's important.

Yes. Needs more data! We have two kids - never injected. Immunity and vaccination are not synonymous. But we homeschool. Have a clean lifestyle. Live in the first world. We are blessed. But we are also parents, responsible, capable of making the choices we believe are best. And we are not doing the only right thing. Just what is right for us. I'm a biochemist, so there are good personal, ethical and philosophical debates we have had before now.

Thanks for this excellent comment. Glad to know a biochemist!

Yes, I am also a biochemist who studied microbiology and "naturally vaccinated my son fully. After he came down with Pertussis, Measles and Chicken Pox. I began to read more broadly on this issue. My next two children were not vaccinated after much soul searching and grew up as very healthy youngsters. I have been advised by several Pediatricians who did not vaccinate their own children. Here is some reliable info from a medical doctor -

I may be going to Brazil and I am debating whether to get a Yellow fever shot or not. It seems to me, the vaccines do what they are supposed to based on this study. Although they have horrible side effects.

You should do your homework then decide for yourself....my point exactly, each capable human should be allowed to decide for themselves and not leave it to our governments as is the case now in many parts of the word.
Thanks for your post

I have had a lot of vaccines and i turned out alright, right? It is very worry some to think that Autism and many other things could be caused by these. And they are forced on children with parents having little choice in the matter. I dont have a strong opinion on this but many do. Good research article. Thank you.

Right. It has more to do with genetics. At a molecular level. We don't vaccinate. But I had all mine (albeit half the current vaccine schedule!) and endured military anthrax vaccines and I'm okay.

This is an excellent point, @cdwyatt. Is there any way to do prescreenings for individuals with genetic susceptibilities?

Plenty of amniotic fluid or familial DNA analysis and genetic counseling can lead to evidence based reasons to avoid, delay or strongly encourage some vaccines over others! I'm comfortable with that, similar to a much more high tech PKU which tests for metabolic disorders (e.g. celiac)

Well, aside from NVIC having resources, I have kept tabs on this excellent abstract:

It breaks down genetic association and genetic polymorphisms. It is EXCELLENT, thorough and well written. There just needs to be an enormous data collection operation. I'm not sure how Big Pharma will like that or in what ways it might be squealched. Ty Bollinger (The Truth About Vaccines) and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny have a plethora of info on genetic affiliations, as well as package insert help. Scary question: how many patients or parents read the entire package insert on anything? :)

Then there is a definite gene in question, the MTHFR (here in a nutshell: http://www.vacfacts.info/mthfr-genetics-autism-and-disease.html)

GCMAF and Nagalase enzyme could help, repair vaccident damage! And here is a link to NVIC (National Vaccine Information Center): http://www.nvic.org/nvic-archives/pressrelease/geneticstudy.aspx

Yes, cdwyatt, your age provides you with a more mature immune system so your military anthrax shots will be managed more safely by your older body.

GREAT info which all need to see, tnx much first time have seen the evidence of consequences of vacs had just heard of their potential danger, re-steeming.

Glad you found it helpful. Thank you.

It appears this study has several flaws. The study only draws from a pool of home schooled children, which makes it a poor indicator of overall population. It encompassed ~400 children, which is a fairly small sample size. It is also a survey, meaning these diagnoses are self reported. That is a very unreliable methodology. Children who are home schooled are more likely to have parents that hold anti-vaccine views, so the group chosen for this study combined with the survey methodology opens it up to bias. I have to wonder why the choice was made to limit this study to home schooled children.

As contact information on homeschool families was unavailable,
there was no defined population or sampling frame from which a
randomized study could be carried out, and from which response
rates could be determined.

That doesn't sound great.

“Dear Parent, This study concerns a major current health question:
namely, whether vaccination is linked in any way to children's long-term
health. Vaccination is one of the greatest discoveries in medicine, yet
little is known about its long-term impact. The objective of this study
is to evaluate the effects of vaccination by comparing vaccinated and
unvaccinated children in terms of a number of major health outcomes …”

That is how they recruited subjects for this survey. I think its fairly self apparent that the subject pool is going to be tainted as it is voluntary. Someone who believes their child has been damaged by vaccines is going to be more interested in responding than someone who doesn't.

The paper goes on to admit some of the weaknesses in its limitations section.

But, lets ignore the issues of the study for a moment. Lets say it is accurate and vaccinations do increase the risk for certain illnesses and conditions such as autism. Isn't this marginal risk far more preferable to the deluge of deadly illnesses children contracted prior to the use of vaccines?

Yes and no. Running water and good hygiene are great and to a long way in disease prevention!

Thanks for the comment. While I understand your concern about the population sample and biases, it seems you misread some parts of the report.

The study only draws from a pool of home schooled children, which makes it a poor indicator of overall population

The reason for this is stated in the study.

It encompassed ~400 children...

This number is incorrect. The population sample is stated directly in the study.

Children who are home schooled are more likely to have parents that hold anti-vaccine views, so the group chosen for this study combined with the survey methodology opens it up to bias.

The percentages of unvaccinated, partially vaccinated, and fully vaccinated children in this study are all around 30 percent.

Lets say it is accurate and vaccinations do increase the risk for certain illnesses and conditions such as autism. Isn't this marginal risk far more preferable to the deluge of deadly illnesses children contracted prior to the use of vaccines?

It may be. As the paper says, however, much more research is needed. Inter Alia effects are almost completely without study, the VAERS database is full of unaddressed reports of illness and death, and the VICP (a government court) is paying out billions in damages.

The paper is not saying people should not vaccinate, but that more research is needed, and from the available data, I'd say they're correct.

There is no evidence that will influence you to open your mind on this major social problem. Please take a few moments to absorb what a well informed doctor has discovered about vaccines here -

. I have discovered that Pro Vaxxer and Anti Vaxxer parents have the same goal - a healthy child. They are unable to agree on the science because the vaccine manufacturers are not interested in the real science because there are no consequences for the vaccine manufacturers when serious side effects are experienced by any child because the US Government has agreed to pay for any such damage that a victim can prove ( and this is very difficult to prove ) and since 1986 the US Government has paid out US$3,200,000,000 to settle these claims by vaccine victims. This does not suggest that vaccines are safe.

Thankyou for your post...
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