Tragedy in the hospital real history "pseudomonas aeroguinosa"

in #medicine7 years ago

My dear friends of steemit today I would like to tell you one of my many anecdotes and then inform and impart medical knowledge.

Although the "pseudomonas aeroguinosa" bacterium is known to be an intrahospitary bacterium which in this case the bacterium was isolated in what is the neonatology intensive care unit of the Dr. Pedro Emilio Carillo University Hospital in the city of Valera, Venezuela. Whose bacteria had the ability to mutate one of their own, making it possible to become multi-resistant to multiple antibiotics, isolating itself in said unit as a result "Pseudomona aeroginosa knows BLEE" thus affecting all the newborns that were then in the Unit of Intensive care of neonatology, being an intrahospitable bacterium of per se with high mortality rate for both newborns and adults, now being multiresistant, you can imagine the chaos that originated inside the hospital was enormous managing to start the life of 36 infants in a lapse of 3 months, reaching such a point that it was tube that closure said unit and move it to another department since that central hospital must provide, and is in the duty of having a neonatology intensive care units.

Photo Hospital "Pedro Emilio Carillo"

The pain and emptiness that leaves the loss of so many newborns and the pain of those mothers who did not find the consolation for the loss of their little angels. The tragedy has been great and is that the current situation with our country is not a secret for anyone, the lack of maintenance of an essential unit for a central hospital, the lack of medical supplies, something as simple as air conditioning , so important in this unit, is simply absurd, because things such simple give as result these innumerable losses.

Now explained in detail what happened at the hospital where I currently work, I want to talk a little bit about what this bacteria is about, then I will explain in detail, what is it ?, how is it treated? and its prevention:

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the globally dominant nosocomial pathogens; causes a wide range of infections, some as severe as pneumonia or bacteremia, a situation that is further complicated by its intrinsic resistance to various antibiotics and its remarkable capacity to acquire new resistance mechanisms, associating it with high mortality rates and turning it into a serious public health problem.

Pseudomonas bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, are present in soil and water throughout the planet. These bacteria grow in wet areas, such as sinks, sinks, improperly chlorinated pools and jacuzzis, and in antiseptic solutions that are expired or inactivated. Occasionally, these bacteria are present in the armpits and genital area of ​​healthy people.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections range from mild external infections to serious life-threatening diseases. Infections are more frequent and are usually more severe in people who:

Are weakened by certain diseases or serious disorders

Suffer from diabetes or cystic fibrosis

Are hospitalized

Have a disease that weakens your immune system, such as infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Take medicines that inhibit the immune system, such as those used to treat cancer or to prevent rejection of transplanted organs

These bacteria infect the blood, skin, bones, ears, eyes, urinary system, heart valves and lungs, as well as wounds (such as burns, injuries, or surgical wounds). The use of medical devices, such as catheters inserted into the bladder or into a vein, breathing tubes and mechanical ventilators, increases the risk of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections. These infections are usually acquired in hospitals. In hospitals, bacteria are often found in sinks, antiseptic solutions and containers used to collect urine from a bladder catheter.


· Itching in the ear canal.

· Sensation of moisture in the affected ear.

· The most characteristic symptom is a severe iodine pain that worsens when the lobe is touched or moved or any other
outside the auditory canopy. The pressure in the ear and the inflammation or existence of particles in the ear canal
can make the pain worse.

· There may also be suppuration of yellow-green pus in the hole. The hearing ability of the affected ear can
decrease if the swelling in the ear canal begins to impede the passage of sound outwards.

· There is an inflammation of the soft tissues and lymph nodes.

· Otitis externa may be accompanied by mild fever.


Usually antibiotics administered topically, orally or intravenously, depending on where the infection is

Swimmer's otitis can be effectively treated (and prevented) by irrigating the ears with a solution of acetic acid (vinegar) before and after swimming. The infection can also be treated with a topical antibiotic such as polymyxin applied to the ear.

Folliculitis of the hot tub or bath usually remit without treatment.

Eye infections are treated with drops of a highly concentrated antibiotic, with frequent application at first. Sometimes antibiotics should be injected directly into the eye.

Urinary tract infections that cause symptoms can often be treated with oral levofloxacin or ciprofloxacin. If these infections do not cause symptoms, they are usually not treated.

Serious infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa are difficult to treat. Malignant otitis externa, internal infections (such as pneumonia or infection of the heart valves) and infections of the blood require intravenous antibiotics for weeks. An antibiotic, such as ceftazidime or ciprofloxacin, is sometimes effective. But a combination of antibiotics is often necessary because many strains, especially those purchased in health centers, are resistant to a large number of antibiotics. The doctor chooses an antibiotic that is usually effective in its geographical area, which can be changed after the test results indicate which antibiotics are most likely to be effective.


The treatment should never be with a single drug, since this bacterium generates resistance to the antibiotics very quickly. Active penicillins should be used against P. aeruginosa, such as: ticarcillin, mezlocillin, piperacillin, in combination with aminoglycosides (gentamicin, tobramycin or amikacin.

Other drugs: Aztreonam, imipenem, quinolines (ciprofloxacin), cephalosporins (ceftazidime, cefoperazone).


Prevention for otitis externa involves keeping the external auditory channels dry, free of wax and without wounds. In situations of risk or people with predisposition we must take preventive measures after each immersion by irrigating the ears with:

Alcohol for friction, vinegar and water or applying boricated alcohol to saturation (boric acid, dissolved to saturation in alcohol of 70 degrees).
Prophylaxis of the external ear with a few drops of Burow water (aluminum acetate solution), a solution of 2% acetic acid in aluminum acetate or propylene glycol. The solution should remain for at least 5 minutes in the ear canal to function properly, time necessary to dry and eliminate bacteria.

A general prevention is to refrigerate the foods, to chlorinate the waters, the milk must be treated in conditions of adequate hygiene.


By Johana Albarran



I always hated hospitals because I find there are too many bacteria and viruses concentrated in the same place. If I can avoid going there, it is better (usually, one needs really to force me to see a physician :p)

In Venezuela we have public hospitals that are free are usually for people with low recuersos, and therefore there is a lot of people, the chirofano is never rest for the large number of surgeries that are performed, then as I explained also the government has diverted many resources for the maintenance of these facilities at the national level. And I tell you in the hospital where work is not as bad as others, for example the university hospital of maracaibo and caracas that are the main cities of the country, are worse and is contradictory because they are the most important cities.

also as in other countries here in Venezuela there are private clinics, because of their high cost people can not pay a review in such clinics, example is a simple complete ematology costs approximately 200,000 bolivares which is the equivalent of 10 dollars, but the minimum salary in venezuela is 9 dollars, then imagine my friend, it is not easy for me even though I am a doctor I earn about 40 dollars monthly and tell me is it right? it reaches me for my personal expenses ?.

my country is very rich in many resources but the government has forgotten the most important things like hospitals, schools and universities ..

Education, health, services in general are the first items that are suffering when cuts are there. It is sad, but this has always be the case. And cuts can be dictated by economy or just some people who want to put more money in their pockets.

What is the cost of life in Venezuela? For instance, renting a small apartment, eating basic food, etc.

Well the problem in Venezuela today is inflation, I guess you know that the local currency that is the Bolivar is totally devalued. Then the prices vary it could be said that semial, because in the country there is no investment in the production of foods and all is imported from other countries, this makes that the economy is a total chaos, I think that worldwide everybody knows that. But the answer to your question is this:

Renting a small 3-room apartment costs around a million bolivares, equivalent to 40 $.
A family of 5 people needs the minimum to eat well, that is to say the 3 basic meals that a human needs an approximate of 2 million bolivares equivalent to 80 dollars.
Among other things, such as clothing, footwear and personal items is very expensive, the Venezuelan truth nowadays I work only to be able to eat and I would say that 70% of the population eats very badly.

as I told you the minimum wage in Venezuela is 200,000 bolivares the equivalent of 10 dollars monthly, tell me you reach that?

I as a professional won 40 $ the truth is not enough.

The reality is that the Venezuelan for being an entrepreneur and who likes to work, is not satisfied with just one job, has several jobs, in my case apart from working in the hospital, I sell desserts, I give classes among other things

I see. This is not sustainable on the long term. Burn outs should be common in Venezuela, I guess. With people being involved so much to be able to barely survive, I don't see any other option.

On the other hand, having people so busy prevents them from demonstrations against the government. This is a kind of win-win for the government.

I don't really know what to say in this situation. Just crossing fingers for you guys.

I do not know if you were aware of the news in the last 6 months, but here in Venezuela there were protests every day people always went out to protest, strikes, barricades of the streets, etc. The problem was that the people got tired because unfortunately in this country we do not have a political opposition that represents us, in fact we are fighting alone without anyone's support and this is very difficult, since the government has the military forces under its command, and the brutal repression, this year died ams of 60 people because of the repression of military and armed paramilitary groups and sponsored by the government

I heard things, but it is hard to tell what is right and what is fake from here. I got contradictory information. What I think is that you have a government basically killing / muting any opponent. Which seems to be in phase with you.

I do not know what you've heard about it, although I live this situation every day, I can assure you that it is terrible and very regrettable that we are about to enter a total dictatorship

thank you very much :D

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I knew it was bad in Venezuela, but this is worse than I thought.
I see you have found your niche here on Steemit!!
You are a strong, compassionate Doctor!!

I like to share my story and I have many, the problem is that I have very little time available, but I'm surprised by the time I spend to steemit despite how busy I am, because I see it as a way of expressing myself, relax, and de-stress as well as I really like to interact

You are very busy!!
Many hours as the good Doctor, many hours as the good Mom.
I'm very thankful for the time you have as a good friend!!

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