Just How Effective is Big Pharma?

in #medicine6 years ago

If you were diagnosed with cancer, do you know what you would do?

I admit, it’s a harsh, unpleasant question. However, it’s something that all Americans, irrespective of current health condition, must consider. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, approximately 300 out of 100,000 contract the disease annually. This translates to the U.S. having 7th highest cancer rate in the world.

Other statistics indicate that roughly 40% of Americans will receive a cancer diagnosis at least once in their lifetime. Thus, the initial question is critical. Naturally, most people will submit themselves to Big Pharma, and their exotic pharmaceuticals and various cancer treatments. Yet just how effective is this course of action?

Surprisingly, not very. According to an extensive medical study led by the Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, chemotherapy has only contributed a 4.3% survivability rate. Put another way, for every 100,000 patients undergoing chemotherapy, a mere 4,300 would survive.

Is it possible that Big Pharma can be such a big failure?

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people are deluded when it comes to understanding chemotherapy and modern cancer treatments. Not only is Big Pharma horrifyingly ineffective against fighting cancer, it’s often more effective to simply do nothing. Consider a story from The Guardian article, “Why doctors get it wrong about when you will die:”

In my first week as an intern, I spoke to the family of an 85-year-old patient, Nora. She lay gasping, racked by sepsis, her skin bruised from intravenous drips, her legs swollen from heart failure, her consciousness clouded from all of it.

“How long has she got, doctor?”

“We’ll be lucky if she’s here in the morning,” I replied.

We were indeed lucky the next morning. We were also lucky for the next week and the month after that, at which point Nora went home, happy and healthy.

It takes experience to know that sometimes you don’t know.

Unlike what medical doctors and oncologists will tell you, a cancer diagnosis isn’t necessarily a death sentence. Ironically, though, the “solutions” provided by Big Pharma, whether they be chemotherapy, radiation (which causes cancer, no?), surgery, or an experimental therapy, are likely death sentences.

Moreover, Big Pharma has a vested interest in irradiating you, or putting you under the knife. The average cost of cancer treatments is $10,000 a month. It’s gotten so bad that some oncologists who have a conscience have raised concerns about soaring costs.

While I’m not a doctor, and nor am I providing medical advice, I’m fully in my rights to question motivations. In any other industry, a 4% success rate would be considered an abject failure.

But in Big Pharma’s case, it’s progress.

Written by Joshua Enomoto for CrushTheStreet.com

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