
Thai curry from scratch like that is really the way to do it! Lol at no f***ing pastes or packages! Respect and envy haha :)

usually I can bok-bok out a fine curry paste from what's in my garden along with the Thai grandmas... mostly I do. :) No packaged pastes!!! Thanks for the support and healthy irreverence - always refreshing!

Guess who mashed the turmeric?? Hah!

Im the luckiest one-armed mama alive! Thank you, my beautiful girl! x

Bok! Bok! Bok! I'm loving this mother-daughter team work, you gals be grooving on up there! 👭

I REALLY gotta visit there asap!!!!

Looks like heaveeeeeen with improvising even better!

(ps I missed what happened to your arm??)

Always welcome & happy to cook for you. :) The arm? Car accident - vertical fracture in the humerous, 2 fractures at the top of the radius. never lock your elbow on impact, I have learned. Healing. My truck is more wounded than I. :( Improvising appears to be a theme right now on many levels. :)


Thanks for stopping by and your support! Appreciated. :)

I love your ending

The most important ingredients in my medicinal cooking? Love. Intent. Concern. Hope. Joy

Those ingredients certainly make the food taste so much better hehe

Cheers @artemislives!

Indeed, they are my fav magic juju ingredients, in both my kitchen and my natural products empire. :) x

Man, curry from scratch with all those wonderful ingredients and making it all with one arm. You are a super woman @artemislives! Your curry looks authentic and delicious. Great job!

There was a very dedicated loyal behind the scenes sous chef - @nabithecat my 13 year old daughter - who has been chopping, cleaning, lifting, dishwashing and generally been amazing. Curry from scratch is the ONLY way to do curry!! :) Thanks for the support. x

That looks absolutely fantastic. I was thinking of a yellow curry too, but I'll bow down to your expertise my lovely. Look at you go with that broken arm. Love a woman that can improv - the key to a good cook I think. It's all about the intuition. My son used to think I was funny for directing him to use a 'sploodge' of sauce or about 'ten minutes of thyme from the garden' but now he uses those same instructions with his girlfriend. Make do, adapt, go by feel and create a delicious meal!

It is the ONLY way to cook. The one-armed thing is needs-must. I often tell Ploi our little twosome is like a bicycle - one of us doesn't pull her weight and the whole damn thing collapses. Let's just politely say I have relaxed my standards while the arm is cast and we're both learning. Ploi is getting a crash course in cooking!! :) :) :) no longer an occasional Saturday recreational option. We ate out last night. :)

Ah, about time she learnt to cook Jarrah had to cook vegie pasta once a week from 12 years old. Needless to say, he ended up the don of tomato sauce.

She cooks quite well - but only 3 or 4 easy things and only when she feels like it. The school days are VERY long here - out the door at 7.15 and NEVER home before 6pm - 3 nights a week she has gym and Korean class and we're not home till nearly 8pm. The chilled aussie kids would die here!!! LOL But yay you for teaching Jarrah. A man who can and does voluntarily cook is sexy as hell from day #1 - and much will be forgiven him because of it. :)

This looks very delicious, love it with rice too. Oh soo delicious!

Thank you!! Who doesn't love rice??? :)

Looks yummy, well improvised! 😋 How do you normally make your curry pastes? I've never made one myself and I'd love to try! 😊

curry pastes are sooooo easy. just toss your chili, garlic, lemongrass, turmeric root, ginger etc in the mortar & pestle & pound. Good for working out any aggression, gives you sexy strong arms & the fragrances are pure aromatherapy!! too easy. :) I think I may post about curry pastes soon.... :) Following you from Thailand. :)

Thank you, it really doesn't seem all that complicated! Still, I hope you'll write that post, I think many of us (me included) would love it! :)

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