Micronutrient Deficiency + Glutathione Deficiency = leading cause of death of those infected with SARS-CoV-2?

in #medical2 years ago

"Among the patients with Covid who died in the care units they studied, seven out of ten therefore had severe selenium and zinc deficiency, as reported by the scientist. “Patients who did not have this deficiency, or in whom it was less pronounced, more often survived Covid-19 and recovered more quickly. They fell much less seriously ill“, adds the professor."

"Scientists from the University of Ghent in Belgium have published a study indicating that people who have fallen seriously ill from Covid-19 have one thing in common, namely a nutritional deficiency"

"a Dutch study found a correlation between coronavirus patients and low levels of vitamin K."

Selenium Deficiency is Associated with Mortality Risk from COVID-19

"Lower vitamin D levels were significantly associated with more severe COVID-19"

"more than 80 percent of people with COVID-19 didn’t have adequate levels of the “sunshine vitamin” in their blood."

"a shortage of Vitamin B12 was also found to be linked to more serious COVID-19 infections."

"A study recently found thiamine deficiency was higher in critically ill COVID-19 patients also suffering from diabetes."

"These zinc deficient patients developed more complications, and the deficiency was associated with a prolonged hospital stay and increased mortality."

"People who are deficient in vitamin C could be more at risk of SARS-CoV-2, or of developing severe COVID-19 because their immunity is impaired
Vitamin C deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to infections, a less robust immune response"

Vitamin B6 may help keep COVID-19's cytokine storms at bay

Endogenous Deficiency of Glutathione as the Most Likely Cause of Serious Manifestations and Death in COVID-19 Patients

"Dr. Murray makes the profound statement: “The bottom line is that if you want to survive this pandemic, you need to take steps to boost your glutathione stores"

"A recent study published by the American Chemical Society shows conclusively that COVID-19 patients who are glutathione deficient are far more likely to experience severe symptoms, and to die of COVID-19."

"It should be noted that it is not the existence of the virus in doubt, but instead that it is the cause of death of those infected with it."

"SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community."

"The physiological decline in food intake is very common among older age and this result in nutritional deficiencies. These increased nutritional deficiencies are the major risk factors for certain chronic diseases and deteriorated age related health. Thus, the adoption of nutritional intervention can be a measure to tackle the current situation of nutritional deficiencies and promote a healthy lifestyle."

"Most older adults do not eat a healthy diet each day. Mild vitamin deficiencies are very common among seniors, and particularly so among the frail and institutionalized elderly.1 Anemia, cognitive impairment, an increased propensity for developing infections, and poor wound healing are among the associated manifestations of mild vitamin deficiencies in the elderly.1 While single vitamin deficiencies do occur, usually multiple vitamin deficiencies are seen with general malnutrition.2"

"“If you are deficient in vitamin D, that does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection. So I would not mind recommending, and I do it myself taking vitamin D supplements,” Fauci, 79, said during an Instagram Live on Thursday, when actress Jennifer Garner asked Fauci about immune-boosting supplements"

"The respiratory system (main), cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract are the most affected body systems during viral infection. It has been found that most of the patients who require admission to hospital are elderly or have chronic underlying diseases. Higher cases of malnutrition and co-morbidities like diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases are reported in elderly patients due to which, the immune system weakens and hence, the response to the virus is diminished in magnitude"

"research has shown that lower-than-recommended levels of certain vitamins and minerals can impair immunity to respiratory viruses and other pathogens."

"The pandemic isn't just a good time to make sure your vitamin and mineral levels are healthy, Willett says. It's also an important time to examine your overall nutritional and metabolic health. Chronic health conditions associated with poor diet and lack of physical activity increase a person's risk for more severe outcomes from a coronavirus infection."

"nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin A, B vitamins (folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12), vitamin C and the minerals, Fe, Cu, Se and Zn are all known to contribute to the normal functions of the immune system."

"The deficiency of various micronutrients in COVID-19 patient can be treated by appropriate nutritional supplements, prescribed after evaluating the patients' nutritional status. Here we aim to highlight the role of a few particular nutrients namely Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc and Magnesium along with the synergistic roles they play in enhancing immunity and thus, maintaining homeostasis."

"The immune impairments associated with nutritional inadequacy increase susceptibility to infection and permit infections to become more severe, even fatal. The adverse impact of poor nutrition on the immune system, including its inflammatory component, may be one of the explanations for the higher risk of more severe outcomes from infection with SARS-CoV-2"

"Existing micronutrient deficiencies, even if only a single micronutrient, can impair immune function and increase susceptibility to infectious disease. Certain population groups are more likely to have micronutrient deficiencies, while certain disease pathologies and treatment practices also exacerbate risk, meaning these groups tend to suffer increased morbidity and mortality from infectious diseases."

"Correction of micronutrient deficiencies has proven effective in several infectious diseases and has been shown to promote favourable clinical outcomes. Micronutrients appear to play key roles in mediating the inflammatory response and such effects may be enhanced through correction of deficiencies. Many of those at highest risk during the COVID-19 pandemic are also populations at highest risk of micronutrient deficiencies and poorer overall nutrition. Correction of micronutrient deficiencies in established COVID-19 infection may contribute to supporting immune response to infection in those at highest risk."

"If we’re going to rely on COVID-19 vaccines to bring an end to the pandemic, we need to maximise their effects. But one thing that risks undermining their protectiveness is nutritional deficiency, particularly in the elderly.

Older people have weaker immune responses and are known to respond less well than younger adults to many vaccines, including the seasonal influenza vaccine. This is partly down to frailty, which cannot be easily remedied, but can also be due to deficiencies in vitamins and minerals – known as micronutrients.

For the immune system to fight off infection or generate good protection against a disease following vaccination, it needs a variety of micronutrients. This is likely to be just as true for COVID-19 as for other diseases. Given that malnutrition is common among elderly people, raising their vitamin and mineral levels before they get vaccinated could be a way of boosting the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines."

"Each patient's immune defenses play a major role in mitigating the impact (ie, morbidity and mortality) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus responsible for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)."

"Everyone talks about vaccines, drugs, lockdowns, and wearing masks, but not much about the importance of nutrition in building and maintaining a robust immune system.

Yet there’s no denying the pandemic has shed a very bright light on nutrition. And this light tells us that an overwhelming number of Americans have comprised nutritional status putting them at higher risk of severe disease from Covid-19. Even more disturbing is that we are doing very little about it."

"Most people don’t have outright nutrition deficiencies which are when symptoms are noticeable. Instead, they have what is referred to as subclinical nutrition deficiencies meaning they have enough of a vitamin or mineral to function, but the amount in blood and tissue drops. And when a novel virus like the Coronavirus hits, the body has no reserves to fight it effectively."

"low levels of iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and selenium with more severe disease and mortality from Covid-19."

"Could Long Covid be related to nutrient deficiencies?

There’s Covid-19 and then there’s “Long Covid” which is when symptoms linger for weeks or months after infection. The medical term is Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC). These symptoms include fatigue, high heart rate, sleep problems, gastrointestinal issues, dizziness, loss of taste and smell, brain fog, and anxiety/depression.

Even though many of the symptoms of long covid are similar to nutrient deficiencies, there’s scant research on the subject."

"Nutritional strategies are especially important, as both the innate and adaptive immune responses rely on certain nutrients in order to function properly – of note, vitamins D, A, C and minerals such as selenium and zinc. These approaches are particularly important because of the alarmingly high rates of insufficiency of these nutrients in the American population.
Nutrient Deficiencies Compromise Immune Function and Increase Infection Risk

"It is well established that nutritional deficiency can impair and adversely affect one’s immune system by infections."

"Micronutrients, often referred to as vitamins and minerals, are vital to healthy development, disease prevention, and wellbeing. With the exception of vitamin D, micronutrients are not produced in the body and must be derived from the diet1.

Though people only need small amounts of micronutrients, consuming the recommended amount is important. Micronutrient deficiencies can have devastating consequences."

"The depletion of nutrients and immune system cells as a result of this virus, are leaving us vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies and immune deficiencies causing lingering and challenging symptoms"

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, interest in dietary supplements to support the function of the immune system has intensified. Although no specific food or supplement can prevent a person from contracting COVID-19, certain nutrients can help support the immune system’s function."

"A seemingly healthy child might also be more susceptible to viruses if suffering from micro-nutrient deficiencies which often go unnoticed. Together, infections and micronutrient deficiencies can induce immunodeficiency in otherwise healthy children, increasing their susceptibility to viral infections"

"A nutrient deficiency weakens the various defense mechanisms of the immune system and makes it much easier for harmful bacteria and viruses to cause damage."

"vitamin and mineral deficiencies can have a profound effect on immunity and how well you recover from infections. For example, a study from Oregon State University found that adults aged 55 and over who took a multivitamin and mineral supplement every day for 12 weeks fought off infections significantly better than those taking a placebo.2

Although those taking the supplement were just as likely to become sick as those taking placebo, their symptoms were much less severe and went away more quickly. It is thought that, as we get older, we develop more vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to reduced immunity and higher levels of inflammation, which can make infections worse."

"Vitamins and nutrients are needed to keep a healthy immune system. Stress and poor diet can cause vitamin deficiency which can affect our immune function. Therefore, making us more susceptible to viral infections like COVID-19."

"According to Associate Professor of dietetics and nutrition Cristina Palacios, supplements and foods rich in certain vitamins and minerals are crucial.

Those of us that have a better nutritional status can fight the disease better than others,” says Palacios, a faculty member at the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work. “We constantly have pathogens, such as virus and bacteria, coming into our bodies. If our immune system is working really well, we don’t get infected.”

She adds, “In general, nutrition affects our entire body. All body processes require enzymes, and many vitamins and minerals help enzymes work better. There’s the saying, ‘We are what we eat.’ It’s true. If you want to be healthy, you have to consume certain nutrients.”"

"Nutritional strategies to deal with SARS-CoV-2 continue to be investigated - many are supportive and some interventions have been shown to reduce symptom severity."

"Severely ill patients with COVID-19 have low levels of several nutrients"

"When talking about prevention—supplements cannot claim to prevent, treat or cure any disease"

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