A.I. Specific Frequency Electromagnetic Waves(Rife) Bioresonance Diagnosis / Testing / Treatment(650 Pathogens, Rehabilitation, Recalibration & Regeneration)?

in #medical10 months ago

"All objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally oscillate. Pluck a guitar string and it will vibrate at a resonant frequency."

"You have to listen very, very closely, but yes, cells produce a symphony of sounds. Although they won’t win a Grammy anytime soon, the various audio blips produced by cells are giving scientists insight into cellular biomechanics and could even be used to help detect cancer."

"“The human body is a symphony of sounds. Every chakra, every organ, every bone, every tissue, every cell has its own resonant frequency, its own sound. However, when an organ is out of time or out of tune with the rest, then the entire body is affected. This harmony leads to states of disease and disintegration. In this frequency plays an important role to identify the actual problem in the human body.” (Amit Sharma, Awadhesh Kumar Maurya; International Journal Of Electrical, Electronics And Data Communication)"

"Rife’s machine built on the work of Dr. Albert Abrams. Abrams believed every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency. He suggested doctors could kill diseased or cancerous cells by sending an electrical impulse identical to the cell’s unique electromagnetic frequency"

"Specific frequencies seem to induce specific effects on cells and other tissues. For example there is a specific frequency for nerves, a different frequency for muscles, another for tendons, etc. Frequency Therapy (FT) is thought to be good for cells, muscles, tendons, and nearly every aspect of your body are available. In addition to each tissue having its own unique frequency, there is a specific frequency for each condition. Thus there is a frequency for inflammation, a different frequency for scars, another to promote secretions, etc. "

"By endless watching and trying out frequencies Rife claimed to have documented “Mortal Oscillatory Rates” for various pathogenic organisms and by sending out those rates with a ‘Beam Ray Device’ Rife cured significant numbers of people infected with a number of infections."

"scan every part of your body for diagnosis and interpretation, including your skin, muscles, bones, organs, glands, neurological and hormonal efficiency. It can also perform a blood analysis and a DNA analysis, which looks for and is able to correct, any hereditary markers for certain illnesses providing a quick and painless analysis of the entire physical system."

"these Beds use plasmatic energy not radioactive materials, focusing instead on recalibration and regeneration whenever possible."

"The computer used to operate is very similar to an MRI machine, however, instead of magnetics and radiation, these Med Beds use plasmatic energy"

"the bed scans your body much like an MRI, based on the readings it receives through AI (Artificial Intelligence), the computer determines what is going on inside your body and provides a diagnosis, based upon the diagnoses the technology proceeds to heal you."

"We need physicians to start realizing that these new tools are here to stay and they're offering new capabilities both to physicians and patients," said James Benoit, an AI consultant.

"AI systems can utilise such clinical data to enhance diagnostic accuracy and enable clinicians to offer patient-centred medical care, while eliminating variations across the country and helping patients in managing their conditions themselves.
Chatbots, as part of AI devices, are natural language processing systems acting as a virtual conversational agent mimicking human interactions.5 While this technology is still in its developmental phase, health chatbots could potentially increase access to healthcare, improve doctor–patient and clinic–patient communication, or help to manage the increasing demand for health services such as via remote testing, medication adherence monitoring or teleconsultations."

"A Rife machine is a electronic device which generates energy in the form of radio waves. The rate at which these energy pulses are emitted is called 'frequency', or cycles per second. (measured in 'Hertz') These frequencies are then applied in some fashion to an individual with the intent of bettering the individual's health."


"Helium enclosed in a glass bulb with angled electrodes (known as a Phanotron tube) is stimulated into a plasma state (the fourth state of matter)"

"the Rife Frequency Generator which produced low-energy radio waves with the same frequency"

"RF carrier: This wave is necessary in order to deliver the frequency wave deeper in to the body."

"At present, based on the analysis in the current study, bioresonance therapy appears promising and deserves further study."

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