25 and 100 megahertz & 100,000 hertz and 300,000 hertz = Mortal Oscillatory Range?
"They found that vibrations between 25 and 100 megahertz triggered the virus’ shell and spikes to collapse and start to rupture within a fraction of a millisecond. This effect was seen in simulations of the virus in air and in water."
"Dr. Holland figured out that cancer cells are vulnerable to frequencies between 100,000 hertz and 300,000 hertz."
"The term M.O.R. stands for "Mortal Oscillatory Rate" or the frequency that will devitalize, kill or render harmless the harmful microorganism."
"tuned to an exact particular wave length, or frequency, for each different organism"
"he used the resonant frequency (the frequency that the virus vibrates at) to cause the virus to oscillate and then turned up the intensity or volume if you will. This resulted in the structural integrity of the virus collapsing and destroying itself. This phenomena was referred to by Rife as the “mortal oscillatory rate” or MOR.