in #medical3 years ago

Peptic ulcer Disease::
It is a circumscribed ulceration of mucous membrane penetrating through the muscularis mucosa and occuring in areas bathed by acid and pepsin in the stomach and /or duodenum when in the stomach it is gastric ulcer and when in the duodenum it is named as duodenal ulcer Disturbed mind producing excessive vagal activity resulting in excessive acid secretion is responsible for the ulcers lrritating food is supplementary to ulcer formation
It is a technique to view the hollow organs from inside viewing stomach from inside with light and magnification is called gastroscopy it is a good diagnostic tool for stomach disorders particularly peptic ulcers
It is the inflammation of the vermiform appendix it is a vestigeal structure at the illeo-caecal junction which is operable if disturbing
read more medicaleducatio.blogspot.com/

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