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RE: Drama is Going to Happen, But We Need a Better Place for it.

in #mediation8 years ago

I guess I haven't been here long enough to see much steem drama. To me, everything seems pretty positive. I guess I'll see some examples of this over time.


Most of the new and/or frustrated user issues have died down, especially with the various project now in place to help out. There's been a little more bigger fish conflicts that have been around, but I really don't want to draw attention to those.

Right now people choosing to flag (or not) has been the primary method of dealing, but even with the posts not being seeing or people going silent, it seems like something that's going to just end without an actual fear is that things will just fester until boiling over in the future.

This is one of those scenarios that I'd love to be proven wrong and the issues are truly dealt with and moved past.

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