MEDIA Protocol review


The web is widely controlled and manipulated, and content creation monopolized by media owners. Content creators have no direct contact with their consumers and are badly compensated for their hard work. MEDIA Protocol is a decentralized platform that aims to fix these problems, removing the middlemen between the creators and consumers that often take advantage by taking huge cuts, while directly rewarding both parties for their efforts.

Revenue Brings Motivation

Profits are made either by introducing a subscription/paywall feature, or using their traffic to promote advertisers, ensuring that the content creator receives 100% of the revenue. This is highly rewarding, as it motivates creators to fully commit to their work and increase their quality to the highest level, knowing that they will be fairly paid for their hard work based on their talents and skills.
Consumers also earn tokens from advertisers by simply watching, and if the content is shared on the social media additional rewards are received. This is done by creating Smart URLs, which publishers can fill with tokens. These tokens can be used to either tip favorite content creators, pay for subscriptions, or simply be exchanged to other cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain Convenience

Using a blockchain removes the need for a middleman, that take advantage of their position. Instead, this network is completely transparent, preventing anyone from being able to manipulate it. With almost zero transaction fees and fast payments, blockchain is a lot more convenient and removes any hassle when it comes to making a transaction.

Bringing The Enjoyment

CryptoCatnip is the first prototype app that supports MEDIA protocol. Using "Content Recommendation Server", an AI system that learns by monitoring and learning what each user separately reads and is interested in the most, the platform is able to provide the most relevant content to each user, making the online experience a lot more enjoyable for everyone.
Anonymity is further preserved by not requesting any personal information, only the wallet address needed for receiving the tokens. However, there will be a possibility to get verified via Facebook or Twitter. All code is open-source, so that anyone can analyze it and ensure the system's safety and stability. The app will fully launch on the release date of the token.

ICO Sale

The ERC-20 tokens will be sold in an ICO, with the community presale already running on their website. Completing the application form is really simple, and by submitting your Ethereum contribution any and all community members can be a part of the sale. All tokens left after the sale is over are going to be burned, ensuring the company's stability.

Strong Foundation

MEDIA Protocol is made up by a team of veterans, successful programmers with big educational background and experience in the media and advertising space. The protocol is supported by, an AI company that already has some successful developments in the marketing, communications and media industry.
The CEO, co-founders and other enthusiastic team members have a history behind them with changing the way media and advertising works, creating new, innovative systems and they look forward to continuing with their successful endeavours.

An innovative platform, with its own blockchain, sustainability and transparency behind which stands an experienced team with a set goal in mind ensure a bright future.

ETH: 0xcacf88992a543625503a9a5913b50743d28df44e

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