@Tyrnannoght : goldmanmorgan update 20191229

The less a writer discusses his work—and himself—the better. The master chef slaughters no chickens in the dining room; the doctor writes prescriptions in Latin; the magician hides his hinges, mirrors, and trapdoors with the utmost care.(Jack Vance)

Goldman Morgan,
the vaultkeeper of Tyrnannoght

Today is Mörsgyr, 29 in the year of Waning Elders
total number of internal wallets : 569
  • number of client accounts : 532
  • number of player accounts : 2
  • number of npc accounts : 8
  • number of zone accounts : 9
  • number of sponsor accounts : 12
  • number of trader accounts : 0
  • number of investor accounts : 5

  1. Mörsgyr, 28 : As we are such nice people, we decided to introduce some alternating types of posts other than the switch between RC/Low rc , so here's number one other than the standard : the mother of the sum of all thieves ... yes we will make it a bit more table-ish ... when we feel like it, i dont think those trolls are gone yet, and one of them already cost me SIX STEEM ... so ... unless you have a solution maybe we shouldnt talk too much about the irrelevance of short-term and the stuff i have been forced to hear for three years now , much obliged, thank you. It will go by day-of-week, hoping to prevent attracting more trolls (but there's no guarantee here ofcourse) but the order has not been decided on yet ... all for seven cents, ... client is king, ...ofcourse
  2. Mörsgyr, 27 : the steemit posts will now vary automatic wether on low-rc or standard mode. Will add a few more later. No rush as the downvoting gives zero guarantee of any return and every downvote reduces the share for every voter in the system ... so, after very careful consideration, sir, i have to come to the conclusion that your system .. SUCKS (but i got to that two years ago, i just had this delusion you all had some kind of PLAN going on ... but you didnt ... you had this kind of 'let the plebs do the work' and thats all you still do, heh ...)
  3. Mörsgyr, 25 : heh, the 10th month of World's end agrees to be the 25th of december too , cute ... fixed some ... thing where content replies got mistaken for the plinks to be checked which should be fixed. I can feel the sickness my parents displayed yesterday, so after three toilet runs im gonna be a lazy dog and throw in the towel (unless someone gets me my money back today, then ill put some effort in it after three years of putting in effort ... you = LOL but you cant see that, right ? ... me pathetic ? not really ... im a sad fact of life and the damage normals do ... thats YOU btw, overthere ... and you, and you too ...) Nope, there's no coding by daylight and im afraid being sick makes me an even lazier dog ... have you no shame ? ofcourse you wouldnt , there is no 'shame' in marketing is there ... hmm
  4. Mörsgyr, 23 : negative votes on tyr get logged auto to tables as the rest processes, this basically has about what i need to put morgan from bash2php, however imma b pretty cautious there since the shell-version acts (abitlikethe chain) by keeping all account/votevalues/date for every account that is still open (its just not a chain ofc i can delete whatever i want), wouldnt be practical to push to sql so ill need that checksum. First incoming tx logging on cronintervals, then table update, then, i think a 'maintenance hour' like the good ole servers every 24 hours unless i can make absolutely sure it doesnt double up, wreck numbers or miss out on merging it all together, useful in case of the need to remove artefacts and what not. Well, i got like, with a bit of necessities needed, about €100 until 2020 so that saves me the trouble of making excuses regarding forced festivities, AS I SAID : if i cant get to Tokyo for new year, dont bother ... (and i dont think that will cut it...) so please , spare me the commercial holiday joy ...
  5. Mörsgyr, 23 : yay for regex ! bit confused it was between sbi3 and sbi-tokens but in the end [0-9]{1,2} went a long way, so the night's not completely lost. As for the rest, im as pressed as the steemprice (if i have to wait until im 65 and use it to pay doctors bills it doesnt really sound motivating) and the attempts of the rich kids to fix the trholles in the system (with a smile). Migrating between servers with different folder structures = always joy and pleasure galore, leaving out the fact that on services free (but probably still when paid for) options are disabled (for security reasons) so paying for anything under dedicated with 100% access seems like folly (thats if i had the money to do so ) , but the best part is seeing php errors show login names ... certainly didnt ask for that , a simple 'access denied' would have been fine, now that's php i guess, not the host, although you could filter that probably. It doesnt feel safe ... then i have to alter stuff, maybe enter sensitive stuff on connected pc's ... im such a difficult being arent i ? dont wanna let people eat my brain like zombies , dont wanna let people mess with me fo 'i got mo than you' ... doesnt wanna smile when attacked ... such a difficult person ...

  1. (Mörsgyr, 11) Saraswathi sent an expedition into the Western Tunnels (+10 gold to zone funds severe experimental)
  2. (Mörsgyr, 8) Lady of the Slain was seen whipping a henchman through the Western Tunnels in training (+10 gold to zone funds severe experimental)
  3. (Mörsgyr, 5) Lyonesse was seen at lost ruins on the Washed-up Beach (+10 gold to zone funds severe experimental)
  4. (Mörsgyr, 3) Lady of the Slain bought the silence of the gatekeeper (+10 gold to #mudpitstownguard severe experimental)
  5. (Frystsin, 26) Cat of Shadows spent the night at the Mudpits Tavern (+1000 gold to #mudpitstavernkeeper severe experimental)


#tyrnannoght #creativecoin #steemace #mediaofficials #programming #gamedev #graphics #coding #simulation #game #rpg #goldmanmorgan #nbc #income-token #design #c-squared #curie #creativecrypto #sndbox #palnet #neoxian #marlians #smartsteem #upmewhale #therising #tipu is that a tag or a mention you want its not clear always

the manual


v0.2 : the @goldmanmorgan manual

pinterest (just started that) : https://www.pinterest.com/alleycatd0033/

The Youtube Channel (click)

any questions about anything, you can drop a note on telegram at : https://t.me/tyrnannoght

any kind of abuse (spoofed email spam or anything at all), please drop a note to report at : https://t.me/tyr_abusereports
(i had a few sending mails that according to any outlook user would look like theyre coming from my site, mostly from tencent cloud before but after my run-in with the polish anti sbi-squad now from a mailserver from an Austrian company, if you experience anything like that related to any of the games or websites, please do let us know, trying very hard to not even be able to be accused of anything (like NOT using steemconnect or any kind of cookies that store anything at all, NOT asking steemkeys and so on) but theres no defense against trolls, downvoters or scriptkiddies as most user wouldnt even bother checking, but IN CASE : then the channel IS there

Trying to shorten the post to save rc , so : The goldmanmorgan how and what , here :

The @goldmanmorgan why , on @tyrnannoght and here :

powered by : @jumbot , @steem-ua , @steembasicincome , @incinboost , @team-cn

all copyright and wrong reserved : 1973-2150, Alleycat.be
pushed in your face with Sun Dec 29 02:00:03 UTC 2019


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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 65814.16
ETH 3444.84
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64